Ash.update Not Passing Actor down to `after_action/3` change

Hi all,
I am getting a strange behaviour where Ash.update is not passing the context’s actor down the change after_action(&, but when I call the same action through the code interface it works.

What could I be doing wrong?

This doesn’t work

    context = %{actor: user, tenant: user.current_tenant, authorize?: false}

    |> Ash.Changeset.for_update(:approve, %{actor_remarks: "Test Remarks"})
    |> Ash.Changeset.set_context(context)
    |> Ash.update()

But this works

    context = [actor: actor, tenant: actor.current_tenant, authorize?: false]
    Approvals.approve_step!(step, %{actor_remarks: remarks}, context)

Resource Action definition

    update :approve do
      accept [:actor_remarks]

      require_atomic? false
      filter expr(status == :pending)
      change set_attribute(:status, :approved)
      change after_action(&

after action fun definition

defmodule ProcessApproved do
  def run(_changeset, step, context) do
    {:ok, step}

Output of the dbg(context)

   context #=> %Ash.Resource.Change.Context{
      actor: nil,
      tenant: "tenant_name",
      authorize?: true,
      tracer: nil,
      bulk?: false

The actor is not set via context. It is set via options. The code interface accepts an options list as its last argument. Those same options are accepted by Ash.Changeset.for_update

  opts = %{actor: user, tenant: user.current_tenant, authorize?: false}

    |> Ash.Changeset.for_update(:approve, %{actor_remarks: "Test Remarks"}, opts)
    |> Ash.update()
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