Avoid config compilation warnings

I’m creating a common internal lib to interact with database via ecto and abstracting paper_trail

So, to avoid duplication of config as

config :database, repo: Repo
config :papaer_trail, repo: Repo

the lib would only retrieve config :database, repo: Repo and then set up :paper_trail underhood.

Then I created a module to get this config:

defmodule Database.RepoClient do
  def repo, do: Application.get_env(:database, :repo, Repo)

But I want to use this same value to set up :paper_trail, so I did this on :database config:

config :paper_trail, :repo, {Database.RepoClient, :repo, []}

Then I tried to use in another application, configure :database as shown above, but then I receive compilation warnings:

==> database
Compiling 6 files (.ex)
warning: ServiceTemplate.Repo.all/2 is undefined (module ServiceTemplate.Repo is not available or is yet to be defined)
  lib/database.ex:20: Database.all/2

warning: ServiceTemplate.Repo.get_by/3 is undefined (module ServiceTemplate.Repo is not available or is yet to be defined)
  lib/database.ex:16: Database.get_by/3

warning: ServiceTemplate.Repo.get_by!/3 is undefined (module ServiceTemplate.Repo is not available or is yet to bedefined)
  lib/database.ex:18: Database.get_by!/3

warning: ServiceTemplate.Repo.one/2 is undefined (module ServiceTemplate.Repo is not available or is yet to be defined)
  lib/database.ex:12: Database.one/2

warning: ServiceTemplate.Repo.one!/2 is undefined (module ServiceTemplate.Repo is not available or is yet to be defined)
  lib/database.ex:14: Database.one!/2

warning: ServiceTemplate.Repo.query/3 is undefined (module ServiceTemplate.Repo is not available or is yet to be defined)
  lib/database.ex:22: Database.query/3

warning: ServiceTemplate.Repo.query!/3 is undefined (module ServiceTemplate.Repo is not available or is yet to be defined)
  lib/database.ex:24: Database.query!/3

warning: ServiceTemplate.Repo.reload/2 is undefined (module ServiceTemplate.Repo is not available or is yet to be defined)
  lib/database.ex:26: Database.reload/2

warning: ServiceTemplate.Repo.reload!/2 is undefined (module ServiceTemplate.Repo is not available or is yet to bedefined)
  lib/database.ex:28: Database.reload!/2

That makes sense once config are compiled before modules. My question is: there’s any way to avoid that?

There’s a pattern for that situation? We prefer to duplicate config or just let these warnings exist?

Ok, I decided to “duplicate” the config once the :paper_trail config wasn’t being applied… However the compilation warnings stills appearing