I am currently trying to setup a CI that will build the docker image of the project. The caveat is that I am trying to use .tool-versions as the source of truth both for dev/CI and docker image.
So far I managed to pass correctly the necessary build arguments to docker build, however having the OS in format buster-20240612-slim makes it really hard to change elixir/erlang versions without eventually hitting into the situation where for a specific OS the versions are missing.
I am currently using base images from hexpm/elixir.
Maybe I missed something, but is it possible to somehow skip setting OS version? as I don’t care that much what version of the distribution is running.
You are trying to use .tool-versions as the source of truth for everything, right?
So, is your plan to get any debian image and install erlang/elixir using asdf inside the docker image, then proceed and build the project?
Why could the elixir/erlang versions be missing for a specific OS when you install them using asdf?
No, I want a pre-built base image with elixir/erlang, I am not planning on building erlang from source inside of docker. I am currently using the images from hexpm/elixir forgot to mention that. Think of .tool-versions as just a txt document with the right versions, as asdf is used only on dev environment.
The main problem I am encountering is that pre-built images by hex have also their OS versioned, so this makes it hard as some elixir/erlang versions are using older OS versions, for example: 1.10.4-erlang-21.0.9-debian-bullseye-20241111-slim