Benchmarks - how important are they to you? To Elixir?

In fairness to Actix, while they were doing stuff that isn’t considered best practice in Rust, it is (iirc anyway) being used in production by Microsoft. I think this further supports the need for different categories in such benchmarks, so one for what is typical of that language or framework, and another where you can hack things to your heart’s content to squeeze every last drop of performance :lol: This would help people see what they can get out of a system from the get go, and what the potential of it could be at a later stage.

I’s agree that for 90% of apps most languages would probably suffice, however, for some strange reason we seem to be attracted to the promise of more. I don’t think that’s necessarily a bad thing tho - having ambitious plans for a project will probably (imo) lead to a more polished product because the developers may be much more passionate about it :smiley:


I took a trip down memory lane via an old MetaRuby thread (which was funnily enough after looking for a thread to link to in this recent thread - funny how one thing can lead to another :lol:)) and this was one of the graphics that was part of the whole hype/excitement:

There are lots of comments about Elixir being like “Ruby on steroids :heart_eyes:” etc :laughing: …so I’m more certain than ever that they (/the performance aspect) plays (or played, at least back then) an important part…

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