Bling - Stripe subscription management for Phoenix

Bling gives you all of the tools needed to add recurring subscriptions with Stripe to your Phoenix applications.

It includes:

  • Ecto schemas for customers and subscriptions
    • Use any existing ecto schema like User or Team as a customer
  • Saving default payment methods to customers
  • Creating subscriptions
  • Multiple subscriptions per customer
  • Subscription quantities
  • Failed payment resolution page
  • + lots more! See the full list in the hexdocs readme

When I was working with Laravel every day we made extensive use of the Laravel Cashier package. I had been missing it while working on elixir products, so I decided to bring it over :slight_smile:



There’s a few things I want to add to it before pushing v1.0 such as metered billing and one-off charges, but it has most subscription functionality ready to go.

Forewarning the readme contains a link to a paid product that provides a complete UI on top of Bling, but Bling itself is open source and free to use as a headless subscription manager


This is awesome. Initial question, is there a particular reason it’s dependent on LiveView 0.18?

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Thanks! I believe I needed it because of controller/html files

I’m sure there is a way to render these without depending on liveview, but it was the easiest route to take for the initial release


Very cool project!

I’m attempting to add it to my ash project but running into an issue. The preloads don’t work with ash because the type of missing preload fields is Ash.NotLoaded instead of the corresponding ecto struct. Maybe there is a way to externalize the preloading operation so someone can optionally plug in their own preload function, defaulting to repo.preload as is the case now.

A nice-to-have would be to allow for separation of the application’s user and local stripe customer records so each of these records can live in different contexts/domains and not require fetching the billing info (stripe_id, etc…) when it’s not needed. I tried to achieve this but ran into an issue because the updates to the user record require the fields to be on the same schema as the customer’s email address.

Looking forward to continued development on this project!

Edit: I was able to work around the first issue by implementing a proxy Repo module which is implemented by calling ash and providing this proxy repo to bling instead of the underlying ecto repo module.

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