Blog Post: Silos in the Elixir Community

In this post I explore the silos that exist in the Elixir ecosystem, the pros and cons, and what we can improve.


I feel your pain, Zach. Every time I see a question posted in the Slack or Discord channels, I die a little on the inside.

I always make a point of asking questions here, when I have them. At least the answers can be found through a good old-fashioned Google search, instead of ending up in some walled-garden black hole like Slack or Discord.


Completely agree. EF is easy to manage, the topic division is very powerful compared to everyone spamming in the same channel as it happens on slack/discord.

Usually even at my workplace I mute all the slack channels and tell everyone to either write to me directly or tag me, otherwise its impossible to get work done or understand what is going on.

If we talk specifically about questions or discussions, EF is superior in every way, especially compared to stackoverflow, where the format imposed limits very hard clarification of the question, which results in a lot of cases in poor answers.

For news, I think the idea is to mirror everything on all platforms, seems more difficult lately as it was mentioned that twitter closed their API, but nobody cancelled good old webscrapping (unless they already have captcha checks in place for bots).


Is there an example of a language that “does things right”? In terms of the stated problem.

In a lot of ways, I think Elixir is one such example. Insofar as we have some of these right things. The leadership of the community is very accessible, and participates here on this forum, etc. So while I think we can do better, we’re also doing pretty well.

As for other languages, I can’t speak for their communities unfortunately, having been so embedded in primarily the Elixir ecosystem for so long.

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