BoltSips crashing with error Unsupported encoder version

I get this error when I try connecting to neo4j using BoltSip

(Bolt.Sips.Internals.PackStreamError) Unsupported encoder version [bolt_version: 0, data_type: struct, data: {1, [“BoltSips/2.0.11”, %{}]}]

The command to connect to neo4j is Bolt.Sips.start_link([url: "bolt://localhost:7687"])
Neo4j version is 5.1.0

Can I get some help resolving this issue?

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I think Bolt.Sip supported Neo4j versions are: 3.0.x/3.1.x/3.2.x/3.4.x/3.5.x/4.0.x/4.1.x/4.2.x. And I also could connect to Neo4j 4.4.5 using Java 11.