Broadway acknowledger needs persistent connection

Hi. My broadway acknowledger needs to talk to a server via a persistent connection. Where should I start this connection? How can the acknowledger get access to this connection? How do I get the pipeline to stop / pause when this connection goes down?

Also, do I have to set the acknowledger per message in the producer or can I set it on the Broadway configuration?

Thanks for the help!

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Hi. My broadway acknowledger needs to talk to a server via a persistent connection. Where should I start this connection?

If you are writing your own Broadway Producer, look at the new prepare_for_start/2 callback in master which allows you to add more children to the tree. Otherwise, start the connection before the Broadway topology in the tree and pass its name as argument to the producer.

Also, do I have to set the acknowledger per message in the producer or can I set it on the Broadway configuration?

Per message.