Broadway Kafka - (Mix) Could not compile dependency :snappyer, "escript.exe

Hi Everyone,

I’m trying to use the Broadway Kafka producer but I’m facing compilation error on a transitive dependency called snappyer which is used by brod :

$ mix compile
===> Linking d:/workspace/Veritus/veritus_umbrella/_build/dev/lib/snappyer/priv/snappyer.dll
** (Mix) Could not compile dependency :snappyer, “escript.exe “c:/Users/didus/.mix/rebar3” bare compile –
paths d:/workspace/Veritus/veritus_umbrella/_build/dev/lib/*/ebin” command failed. Errors may have been
above. You can recompile this dependency with “mix deps.compile snappyer”, update it with “mix
deps.update snappyer” or clean it with “mix deps.clean snappyer”

I had different errors before installing Visual Studio Build Tools beacause snippyer couldn’t compile its C++ files (even though I’m not supposed to have it installed on my PC as I’m using Elixir and not C++ !).

I installed last version of Elixir 1.13.2 but it didn’t change anything. I tried to rebar directely inside the deps/snappyer and got :

C:/Users/didus/.mix/rebar3 compile -v
←[0;32m===> Verifying dependencies…
←[0m←[0;32m===> Linking d:/workspace/Veritus/veritus_umbrella/deps/snappyer/priv/snappyer.dll

when I look at the priv I can’t see any DLL inside. Am I missing something ? thanks a lot for your help

I haven’t worked on Windows for years but you need proper PATH environment variable configuration so the VS Build Tools are visible system-wide.

I don’t disagree with you but some libraries have native dependencies because the maintainers chose to have them. You can opt out by not installing the library. :man_shrugging:

I wish you luck because most maintainers only pay attention to UNIX-like systems for building native libraries (so macOS and Linux). But I’ve had success with compiling C/C++ deps on Windows in the past. Wasn’t exactly trivial but wasn’t very hard either.

thanks for your reply. The code gets compiled successfully but it seems it cannot generate the DLL needed by snappyer. Is there a way to exlude this dependency from broadway_kafka as I’m not planning tu use snappy for compression ?

for those who are getting the same error as mine you can visit this link : link

my C++ was targeting x86 compiler version whereas the snappyer rebar was looking for the x64 compiler version. Thanks a lot.

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@didus what did you do to solve the issue. I took a look at the link you suggested but I cannot find an answer. I already tried many things like running brew doctor, brew cleanup, brew upgrade, running some asdf commands to get other Erlang/Elixir versions and nothing.

In my case I was unable to compile my project and I got stuck in the next message:

#include <algorithm>
1 error generated.

** (Mix) Could not compile dependency :snappyer,...

I’m running my code un a Mac.
I’m using elixir 1.12 / erlang 24.3.4

I suspect is a Kafka problem because that error started when somebody in my work added that dependency.

Hi @catra,

snappyer is a transitive library used by broadway_kafka. It uses native code written in C++. In my case as I’m using Windows I couldn’t compile it because I had no C++ compiler on my machine. I struggled to have it to work by installing the MS C++ compiler but it didn’t. As I’m using visual code on windows I found an extention : Remote - WSL so that, the visual code is still on windows but the code is compiled and executed under Linux and this worked as linux has C++ compiler (GCC). I have tried on my Mac and it worked too.

Maybe you should check if you have gcc installed on your Mac ?

On Windows, I had to:

  • Install VCC 64bit
  • Remove deps and _build folder
  • Run "c:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvars64.bat" in Visual Studio 2022 Developer Command Prompt - CRUCIAL
  • Run mix deps.get mix deps.compile

All is good now…

Ok, updated version…

The key is to run it in Command line instead of PowerShell, no need to go full Visual Studio Developer Console, just run a normal one and then follow the steps in this pull comment.
