I have a phoenix app running in 2 containers both connected to redpanda(zookeeper less kafka) but I only see 1 node consuming messages from the topic, topic has only 1 partition. Below is my setup code. If I understand correctly both should consume messages as they are part of the same (consumer) group
@redpanda_port 9092
@redpanda_host "redpanda"
@redpanda_nodes [{@redpanda_host, @redpanda_port}]
@redpanda_group_id "stream_00"
@redpanda_topic "stream"
@producer_concurrency 1
@processors_concurrency 10
def start_link(_opts) do
name: __MODULE__,
producer: [
hosts: @redpanda_nodes,
group_id: @redpanda_group_id,
topics: [@redpanda_topic],
client_id_prefix: nodename()
concurrency: @producer_concurrency
processors: [
default: [
concurrency: @processors_concurrency