Browser memory usage

First an image, Windows 10, these are the only Edge listings in the task manager although there are a lot more Chrome listings (at 80 megs and less each, about 30 between 10-80megs, and another 40 or so below 10 megs, 30 or so of those are below 3 megs), I have about 20 tabs open in Edge, and about 2000 (not kidding) in chrome:

Edge seems pretty memory hungry itself. ^.^
Edge is also very laggy, chrome seems snappy other than a random freeze every few minutes when I switch to a new tab I’ve not touched in a few minutes so it can page it back in.
Firefox, it just kind of freezes permanently with 10 tabs up, makes it hard to test. >.<
IE11 starts freezing after about 3 tabs, I can barely test with it but at least I can test. :slight_smile:

You seem to like putting your machine under a lot of stress :smile:

I remember naively tested Chrome, Safari, and Firefox on my machine and concluded there are no significant difference between the total memory consumption. It grows linearly with open tabs.

Chrome looks scary because it has processes for every tabs and extensions, but you can keep it controlled (and Chrome’s task manager gives a transparent look to that). Thankfully I am not very generous on opening tabs, so :slight_smile:. As far as I know, Safari also spins up many processes.

I really like Safari’s look. It integrates well with the OSX UI. I don’t like Chrome’s design (the tabs, address bar, etc.). However I can’t lie that Safari often freezes randomly… my conclusion was that I’ll stick to Chrome based on performance, extensions, and devtools.

Yeah it is common for me. ^.^

Makes sense to me, proper memory segmentation. I thought I heard that Firefox was going to a similar model here soon?

Yeah, I remember reading about it somewhere, and the reactions were torn between wanting to keep the single process model and “finally!” :slight_smile: I don’t know if they’re there yet, though.

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