Bug in Explorer or Kino?

In the livebook of Explorer I found a probable bug:

input = Kino.Input.text(“d:/livebooks/fossil_fuels”)
filename = Kino.Input.read(input)
DataFrame.to_csv(df, filename)

input gives: d:/livebooks/fossil_fuels without quotes
filename gives: " ".

What is the reason using Kino.Input?
Why not just: DataFrame.to_csv(df, “d:/livebooks/fossil_fuels”)

Inputs are a UI element for user to enter a value, so you would do this:

# Cell 1
input = Kino.Input.text(“Path”) # <-- label

# [Renders text input]

# Cell 2
path = Kino.Input.read(input) # <-- read the value of the input field above

That is exactly what I do, but path gives: " "!

In your code you put the path as the text field label Kino.Input.text(“d:/livebooks/fossil_fuels”), that’s only the name of the text input. You want to put the path in the text field itself once it’s rendered. If it’s still unclear you can post the whole notebook : )

It is just your own livebook on hexdocs->explorer

but I understand what you mean.

This should not be placed in your livebook because there it is not working

A few weeks later and I tried again. I suddenly did see the input-field. On my screen it was hard to see, the color was almost white.

Maybe it is better to outline the input-field in Kino? Maybe you can tip the makers of Kino, I don’t know them.

Sorry for the troubles. So the livebook on Ten Minutes to Explorer — Explorer v0.7.2
is working perfectly.