Building a map of macro list locations during macro resolution

I was interested in trying to collect a list of the __CALLER__ locations throughout a code base where a macro is used. I’ve been able to use :ets to store the information while the macros are being expanded, but once compilation finishes that erlang VM shuts down and I lose the table. I’ve tried to use Module.put_attribute, but whenever I call it elixir tells me the module in question is already compiled.

My goals are:

  • build datastructure containing marco invocation information
  • have that datastructure available at runtime in some form (define a function that returns it, put it in a module attribute, etc)

Right now I have the full datastructure in an :ets: table at the end of macro expansion and can’t figure out how to save it. The module containing the macros is already defined and I can’t put a new attribute on it. Is there a way to call a macro in a module after all other macros are expanded (i.e. to create a function that returns the unquoted copy of the data)?

Having tried to make this work on multiple occasions my advice would be to not do it and rather let users provide a list of modules to whatever logic you intend to feed this into. This will likely be more flexible as well. Though I don’t know your usecase, so take the advice with the appropriate grain of salt.


Hi there,
There is a compile callback called @after_compile, you can read more about it in the Module module.

If you are looking to store permanent information I could recommend you CubDB, I am using it and it works really well. GitHub - lucaong/cubdb: Elixir embedded key/value database

Thank you for sharing your experience, but manual input wouldn’t be practical here. I’m interested in recording the line numbers and other fine details. I was hoping there was a pat solution.

Ah, thank you for two solid leads! I’ll check both out.

Edit: unfortunately, @after_compile is local to the modules’ compilation, so it can’t help me here. The module containing the macros (and thus getting the __CALLER__ information) must be compiled in order to resolve the macros. I could do something after expanding all macros in the child modules, but it would be so baroque that using CubDB or some other serialization solution probably works better.

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Well. if you are already saving it to the ETS but it gets lost, then CubDB solves that problem
I would like to see how you are achieving this. So it you don’t mind sharing a module, I could have a look and give you my 2 cents.

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Sure! Here’s an abbreviated example. I’m exploring making a logger helper with richer metadata and runtime control on output options:

defmodule Common.Log.Service do
  use GenServer

  def handle_continue(:load_logs, state) do
    locs = Common.Log.locations()
    IO.inspect(locs, label: "log locations")
    {:noreply, state}
defmodule Common.Log do

  defmacro debug(line) do
    loc =
      |> Common.Log.register_log_location(:debug)

    quote do
      Common.Log._make_log(unquote(Macro.escape(loc)), unquote(line))
      |> Logger.debug()

  def locations() do
    handle = get_db_handle()
    CubDB.get(handle, :locations, %{})

  defp get_db_handle() do
    if :ets.whereis(:log_locations) == :undefined do, [:set, :protected, :named_table])

    case :ets.lookup(:log_locations, :db) do
      [] ->
        {:ok, db} = CubDB.start_link("priv/cubdb/logs")
        :ets.insert(:log_locations, {:db, db})

      [{_, info}] ->

  def register_log_location(location, atom) do
    handle = get_db_handle()
    old = CubDB.get(handle, :locations, %{})
    vew_val = update_module_map(old, location, atom)
    CubDB.put(handle, :locations, vew_val)

This code is messy, but it accomplishes the basic task. Here’s the inspect of the locations at runtime:

log locations: %{
  App.Application => %{
    start: %{
      8 => {%Common.Location{
         arity: 2,
         file: "/[...]/application.ex",
         function_atom: :start,
         line: 8,
         module: App.Application
       }, :debug}

I suppose my answer is “use a file” - but if there’s a way without needing to create a scratch file I would love to know.

It’s a little more complicated, but one option would be defining your own compiler (see Mix.Task.Compiler — Mix v1.12.3) and reading module attributes from the compiled BEAM files (how mix compile.protocols — Mix v1.12.3 does it).

I’m working on hacking together a library to do that work (no plans to publish it to hex just yet), but that computer is in the shop right now, and I don’t have it on GitHub yet. But I do have a related experiment I did you could look at (this one doesn’t write out a new BEAM file): activation_elixir/compile.activation.ex at master · brettbeatty/activation_elixir · GitHub

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I would add this to your Application module, son the database is created when you start your supervision tree. So you can dispose of ETS.

I suppose my answer is “use a file” - but if there’s a way without needing to create a scratch file I would love to know.

CubDB is actually your file.

I would add this to your Application module, son the database is created when you start your supervision tree. So you can dispose of ETS.

Is there a way to interact with CubDB without the handle returned by start_link? It wasn’t clear from the documentation.

CubDB is actually your file.

I know it is - I was saying I would like a solution that doesn’t generate an extra file.

Yes. You create a DB module which is a GenServer that wraps CubDB calls.
Later today I will upload the source code of an app where you can see how this is done.

Yes. You create a DB module which is a GenServer that wraps CubDB calls.

Unless I’m not following, you’re saying that you do need the handle returned by start_link - but you are suggesting wrapping it in a GenServer? I do not think that will work for my scenario because application supervision trees are not started during macro expansion - I will still need to manage the state within the file and :ets.

For other people it would absolutely make sense to wrap it in a GenServer once you start the application proper. I did not do that in the above example because I’m only using CubDB to bridge across the compile / runtime divide.

You are right. I totally overlooked the fact that you are doing all this at compile time

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