There are a lot of different files in the mix: Dockerfile, package.json, tailwind.config.json --and it all seems to be doing the right building, installing, and copying… but in the or assets.deploy step, the fly deploy docker build fails, unable to find the tailwindcss-animate dependency.
It all builds & runs locally.
The key docker file sequence is like so:
RUN npm install --prefix ./assets
COPY assets assets
RUN mix deps.compile
COPY priv priv
COPY lib lib
# compile assets
RUN mix assets.setup
RUN mix
RUN mix assets.deploy
I added assets.setup and to the autogenerated Dockerfile, in case that was relevant. But it doesn’t make a difference.
The assets/package.json
"main": "tailwind.config.js",
"dependencies": {
"tailwindcss-animate": "^1.0.7"
The offending line in the tailwind config (commenting this out builds fine, but of course… it’s not going to run fine…
plugins: [
Note that its only tailwindcss-animate that fails, not the other dependencies.
Also, I am building without cacheing (I think?) using the command:
fly deploy --build-arg no-cache=true
Also note, I moved COPY assets assets up before mix deps.compile because mix deps.compile would fail on the missing tailwindcss-animate dependency if I left assets down where it was autogenerated. So… any & all tips welcome.