I have been unable to get the build working for Gigalixir. Following the tutorial exactly as written for a “mix” project, I would get:
Unable to select a buildpack
and then the process would exit.
After creating a .buildpacks (just using the default one also provided), I get this error
/tmp/build/elixir_buildpack.config: line 1: $'\377\376elixir_version=1.14.0': command not found
This seems to be a windows-file-system thing, but I was unable to run wsl on my machine (edit: I was able to try running the commands from wsl, and no dice, they fail with the exact same message), and I feel like this would be a more common problem (I can’t find this exact error message anywhere) if it were just a windows-general problem.
Removing all but GitHub - gigalixir/gigalixir-buildpack-mix from the buildpacks file did allow everything to actually get to gigalixir, but without the heroku buildpack it predictably fails to even start.