Bumblebee is out: GPT2, Stable Diffusion, and More in Elixir (and LiveBook)

@wojtekmach thank you so much. As I suspected, totally a user error and a pretty silly one! Starts up perfectly fine now. Sorry for the noise. Very excited by what this represents for several of my libraries!


iex> Image.open!("./test/support/images/lamborghini-forsennato-concept.jpg") 
...> |> Image.Classification.classify()
%{predictions: [%{label: "sports car, sport car", score: 0.9962735176086426}]}

BTW, just recently I found the following article that combines Phoenix, Axon and Elasticsearch.

It focuses on semantic search on text and not on images. I have not reproduced its content yet. Just note that it also involves some Python.

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@bdarla Iā€™m going to update that post soon to be 100% Elixir with Axon, Bumblebee, and a library that completely eliminates the need for an additional service in Elasticsearch :slight_smile:


2 posts were split to a new topic: How to use Bumblebee to train a dataset for product recognition in our ecommerce setup?



I would have to check but I dont think we sell any nipples :thinking:

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2 posts were split to a new topic: Server/deployment considerations for Bumblebee?

Amazing work!

To check if GPU is supported, visit GitHub - elixir-nx/xla: Pre-compiled XLA extension and see usage of XLA_TARGET. To load the correct version, set the environment variable XLA_TARGET to the desired version (I used XLA_TARGET=cuda118 for an RTX 3090 card). Make sure that the version you choose is installed on your system (e.g. CUDA).


FYI, the update post for this will be following this one: https://dockyard.com/blog/2023/01/04/search-and-clustering-with-exfaiss