Caint - Auto-translating of PO files for the lazy dev

First of all, use this project at your own risk. It is 1.5 days old and probably has lots of bugs.

Who it is for:
Devs like me who were using kanta with the DeepL plugin to auto-translate their app.
The gettext fork that kanta is built on is outdated and was recently rejected.
Kanta is a marvelous project and has way more features than Caint (right now).

Caint does not do runtime translations. Instead, you run it like a normal phoenix app and tell it where to find PO files. It just does auto-translating. Also you can find missing translations easily.

I am making it public so other people can contribute to it if they find it helpful. I have some github issues with immediate improvements to be made.


“Caint” has a double meaning. “Caint” means speech/talk in Gaeilge. Also it “ain’t Kanta”.


Today I worked a bit more on this. Now you can do manual translations, 1-by-1.

Also the way plurals are presented is much clearer for languages like Arabic and Gaeilge that have 5 or 6 plural forms.