Call Java from Elixir


Here’s an ugly PoC chunk of java code. I have extracted out the bits that are sensitive so it almost certainly won’t work as-is, but hopefully it gives you some pointers. You will need to install the Ericsson otp java package (see the import statement at the top).

There were a couple of gotchas:

  1. Marshalling data types - strings, doubles, dates etc all need to be explicitly marshalled between built-in Java datatypes and otp ready data types. I wrote quite a few helper functions to do this.
  2. The Ericsson package fails to emit a required byte to the stream of bytes sent back to the port, so the sendResponse method has the required hack to make it work.
  3. Note the warnings from @jayjun in Killing java processes started from - #10 by jayjun re: port buffer deadlocks. I haven’t handled that potential issue as it was good enough for our PoC as-is

Don’t pick on my java code - I hadn’t written any since 2005 before this.

package com.mindok;

import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;


public class Main {

    static SimpleDateFormat dateFormatter = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd' 'HH:mm");

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        OtpErlangObject payload = null;

        while(true) {
            try {
                payload = receivePayload();
            } catch (Exception e) {
                sendResponse(toOtpString("Receive " + e.getStackTrace()));

            if (payload == null) {
                sendResponse(toOtpString("No payload received - exiting"));

            OtpErlangObject response = null;
            try {
                response = processPayload(payload);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                sendResponse(toOtpString("Process " + e.getMessage()));
                Object[] ste = e.getStackTrace();
                for (int i=0; i < 5; ++i) {
                    sendResponse(toOtpString("Process " + ste[i]));
            if (response == null) {
                sendResponse(toOtpString("No response received - exiting"));

            try {
            } catch (Exception e) {
                sendResponse(toOtpString("Send " + e.getStackTrace()));


    private static void sendResponse(OtpErlangObject response) throws IOException {
        OtpOutputStream otpOutputStream = new OtpOutputStream(response);
        byte[] output = otpOutputStream.toByteArray();

        System.out.write(encodeLength(output.length + 1)); // Add one for the header byte added below
        System.out.write((byte) 131); // for some reason the encoding doesn't include the very thing that identifies it as Erlang ETF

    private static byte[] encodeLength(int length) {
        ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.allocate(4);
        return bb.array();

    private static OtpErlangObject processPayload(OtpErlangObject payload) {
        OtpErlangTuple tuple = (OtpErlangTuple)payload;
        OtpErlangAtom command = (OtpErlangAtom)tuple.elementAt(0);
        OtpErlangObject commandParameters = tuple.elementAt(1);

        switch (command.atomValue()) {
            case "open_file" :
                return packageOutput("open_file", openFile(commandParameters));

            case "something_else" :
                // *** etc 

                return payload;

    private static OtpErlangObject openFile(OtpErlangObject commandParameters) {
        String outcome = "ok";
        String msg = "Successfully read ";
        String fileName = "";
        try {
            fileName = new String(((OtpErlangBinary)commandParameters).binaryValue());
            msg = "Successfully read " + fileName;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            outcome = "error";
            msg = "Error reading file: " + e.getMessage();

        if (outcome != "error") {
            try {
                // ***  Do something with file that was opened
            } catch (Exception e) {
                outcome = "error";
                msg = "Error reading file " + fileName + " - " + e.getMessage();

        OtpErlangObject[] tupleContents = {toOtpAtom(outcome), toOtp(msg)};
        return new OtpErlangTuple(tupleContents);

    private static OtpErlangObject packageOutput(String cmd, OtpErlangObject payload) {
        OtpErlangObject cmdAtom = toOtpAtom(cmd);
        OtpErlangObject[] tupleContents = {cmdAtom, payload};
        return new OtpErlangTuple(tupleContents);

    private static int fromOtpInt(OtpErlangObject otpInt) {
        try {
            return ((OtpErlangLong)otpInt).intValue();
        } catch (OtpErlangRangeException e) {
            return -1;


    private static OtpErlangObject toOtp(Object o) {
        if (o == null) {
            return new OtpErlangAtom("nil");
        } else {
            if (o instanceof Integer) { return toOtpInt((Integer)o);}
            if (o instanceof String) { return toOtpString((String)o);}
            if (o instanceof Date) { return toOtpDate((Date)o);}
            if (o instanceof Double) { return toOtpDouble((Double)o);}
        return new OtpErlangAtom("nil");

    private static OtpErlangObject toOtpDouble(Double dbl) {
        return new OtpErlangDouble(dbl);

    private static OtpErlangString toOtpString(String str) {
        return new OtpErlangString(str);

    private static OtpErlangString toOtpDate(Date date) {
        return toOtpString(dateFormatter.format(date));

    private static OtpErlangLong toOtpInt(Integer integer) {
        return new OtpErlangLong(integer);

    private static OtpErlangAtom toOtpAtom(String str) {
       return new OtpErlangAtom(str);

    private static OtpErlangObject receivePayload() throws Exception {
        byte[] msgLen = new byte[4];

        int readByteCount =;
        if (readByteCount != msgLen.length) {throw new Exception("Didn't get message length");}

        ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.wrap(msgLen);
        int encodedLength = bb.getInt();

        byte[] rawPayload = new byte[encodedLength];

        readByteCount =;
        if (readByteCount != encodedLength) {throw new Exception("Payload didn't match message length");}

        OtpInputStream otpInputStream = new OtpInputStream(rawPayload);
        return otpInputStream.read_any();
