Call to library authors: define "Nutrition facts" for your meta-programming

One common concern about using Elixir libraries is that use SomeModule does not make clear how it impacts the caller. While the goal of use is precisely to provide a common extension point, and most of the time those changes are minor, it is impossible to know what it does without reading the source code.

For this reason, from Elixir v1.15, we are recommending libraries to include a summary alongside each module, typically within the first section of its @moduledoc, that succinctly explains the impact of using said modules. In this pull request, we have added this note to all use XYZ modules in stdlib, like this:

> #### `use GenServer` {: .info}
> When you `use GenServer`, the GenServer module will
> set `@behaviour GenServer` and define a `child_spec/1`
> function, so your module can be used as a child
> in a supervision tree.

Which will be rendered like this (see block at the bottom):

Think of it as ā€œNutrition factsā€ for meta-programming. If you are a library author and your modules can be used, please consider doing the same. :slight_smile:


Good idea. Iā€™ll update the ex_cldr libs over the next week or so.

Update: added to the ex_cldr README and the Cldr module and published to


This is where libraries that donā€™t use use win, nothing to document! :grin:


Best code is no code! :joy:


With careful consideration, use beneficially cleans up a lot of noise and Iā€™m glad it exists.

(ā€¢_ā€¢) even if it is a bit
( ā€¢_ā€¢)>āŒā– -ā– 
(āŒā– _ā– ) overused

Sorry, I couldnā€™t resist. Iā€™ll see myself out.


In this case, it feels like Kernel ā€” Elixir v1.15.0-rc.1 itself could say a bit less obscure about the use itself.
Right now it says Uses the given module in the current context. as a first sentence. It gives more room for questions like ā€œwhat is context?ā€. ā€œwhat does uses mean?ā€ instead of hinting that there will be something that gets generated along with importing.

In fact hovering over use in VSCode is what I do when trying to get a refresher on what it actually performs.


I think itā€™d be helpful for IDEs to replace the hinttext for such things to display the @doc of the __using__ macro for the module itself, rather than the general docs for use and the Module respectively. If the library has nutrition facts set up, thatā€™d make it a really clean development experience!

Oh never mind, I see that the nutrition facts in stdlib are in the @moduledoc not the macro @doc, so the current experience is ok.

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Right, but hovering over :controller in Phoenix

use ProjectWeb, :controller

couldā€™ve unwrapped whatā€™s a bunch of stuff is delivered to you by it.

  • Hover over use shows macroā€™s hint.
  • Hover over ProjectWeb provides nutrition facts.
  • Hover over :controller gives a clue of what is being brought in.
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On a somewhat related note, a cool feature available on neovim using elixir-tools, is the expand macro:



Thank you! Itā€™s a great feature! The hint is you need to select for it to actually work, I thought it was broken!

And it duplicates the output on my end too in VSCode.

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PRs welcome ! Only keep in mind the first sentence is a short summary. :slight_smile:

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:slight_smile: Before PRing though. What do you think? Imagine yourself a few months Elixir user!

use(module, opts \\ [])

Applies a module as a compile-time extension to the current context.

The use macro combines a require of the module with the invocation of its __using__/1 function, allowing the module to define macros, callbacks, or other compile-time constructs.


Maybe send a PR and link to it here so people can give feedback? I am not evading, I just think my opinion is the least important here. :slight_smile:



LOL! You created one of the most readable and clear language syntax and you are not important!


Check this out. Iā€™ve written this information in three different places already.


Nutrition facts? :thinking: ā€¦ This is going to be very useful.

For those ā€œeating code for breakfastā€ :slight_smile:

Really like the new ā€˜default styleā€™ directive for such information as the struggle was real sometimes.

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The nutrition facts comparison is very good one, also because these can lie to you, like these one clearly donā€™t add up to 100:

This is going to be quite similar, but thatā€™s not something that can be easily avoided.

What I would love to see, and maybe there is such thing already, is an information given to me back when I ā€œuse SomeModuleā€ in my editor/IDE. I guess thatā€™d be the languageā€™s server doing, that would report to me, in a pop-up or some other form, what happened here, which behavior(s) was introduced, what functions were defined, what modules got imported, things like that.

The documentation is static, and has to be maintained, the language server is dynamic and can generate an actual report, that would take into consideration options pased to the ā€œuseā€ macro, to give me a precise overview of what actually happened to my code when I used it.

The same thing could be available for other macros, also ā€œimportā€ to know what functions got imported.

Again, this may already be available in full or partially, Iā€™m not an expert on the subject.

EDIT: Oh hi there itā€™s me again commenting on a thread without reading it fully. Need to try this, not in language server and NeoVim specific but looks like what I suggested:

Great idea!

@josevalim This is the first time Iā€™ve seen the {: .info} syntax. I love how it looks, but starting at which version does ExDoc support this?

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