Hey team,
In my Phoenix app, I’ve attached a telemetry handler to Phoenix router events like so:
:ok =
[:phoenix, :router_dispatch, :stop],
[:phoenix, :router_dispatch, :exception]
Inside my telemetry handler, I make a database query like so:
def handle_event(_, _ ,_) do
MyApp.Repo.query("select 1")
This results in the telemetry handler crashing:
[info] pid=<0.1275.0> [info] Postgrex.Protocol (#PID<0.1275.0>) disconnected: ** (DBConnection.ConnectionError) client #PID<0.2685.0> exited
Interestingly, the pid inside the controller handler and the telemetry handler is the same. So both are run in the same process. My assumption is that when the response is sent to the client, the database connection’s checkout is ended? So then my telemetry handler can no longer access it?
What’s advised in this situation?