Calling function from within same module it's declared is undefined/is not available

Redoing this to be more clear:


How can I call a function inside a module?

File: test.exs

defmodule MyModule do

  def sum(a, b) do
    a + b

  MyModule.sum(1,1) # or sum(1,1)

elixir test.exs :

** (UndefinedFunctionError) function MyModule.sum2/2 is undefined (function not available)
    MyModule.sum2(1, 1)

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Original question asking same thing but more confused:
This is an .exs file used for Phoenix migrations, so it’s inside the folder /priv/repo/migrations. (In case that matters). I wrote a function but it’s totally blocked. I don’t want to import it from another module since this is where it goes (declared and used in same module)

defmodule MyApp.Repo.Migrations.MyModule do
  use Ecto.Migration

  def sum1(a, b) do #public
    a + b
 defp sum2(a, b) do #private
    a + b


From iex -S mix

iex(2)> MyApp.Repo.Migrations.MyModule
iex(3)> MyApp.Repo.Migrations.MyModule.sum2
** (UndefinedFunctionError) function MyApp.Repo.Migrations.MyModule.sum2/0 is undefined (module MyApp.Repo.Migrations.MyModule is not available)

iex(4)> MyApp.Repo.Migrations.MyModule.sum1(1,1)
** (UndefinedFunctionError) function MyApp.Repo.Migrations.MyModule.sum1/2 is undefined (module MyApp.Repo.Migrations.MyModule is not available)
    MyApp.Repo.Migrations.MyModule.sum1(1, 1)
    iex:4: (file)

If U can’t call it like this, this is what I want to do. It gives the same error as the above attempt.

defmodule MyApp.Repo.Migrations.MyModule do
  use Ecto.Migration

  def sum1(a, b) do
    a + b
 defp sum2(a, b) do
    a + b
IO.puts(sum1(1,1)) #or sum2(1,1)

Pls Ignore it being bad practice (if it is) to have a function in a migration file, unless this the cause.

Real use case (Not sure if this link is accessible to all?)

In iex you have not loaded the migration module. You’ve just defined the module name as an atom. Since it’s a .exs instead of .ex it is not compiled and loaded automatically with iex -S mix

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Also, both of your functions aren’t exported, so you cannot call them outside of the module.

If I run the migrarions ecto.migrate I immediately get

(CompileError) priv/repo/migrations/20230227174711_MyModule.exs:26: undefined function sum2/2 (there is no such import).

Same for sum1

That is with this line inside the module IO.print(sum2(1,2))

Shouldn’t this solve that issue?

Don’t know to export functions. Looking that up. Link to examples possible? :slight_smile:

Also, see the case where the function is called inside the module. I get the same error for both cases.

In Elixir? Just use def instead of defp.

Sorry I had a typo. One is public, one is private - only for example here. I don’t have it as private in practice.

Makes no difference here. Get same error

I see what U mean, that that is required to export. But I’m trying to call within the same module. I’m not trying to do anything at all fancy - just write a function and call it.

This may really be an XY Problem. Are you familiar with mix run? It lets you run an Elixir function from the command line.

If I call mix run /priv/repo/migrations/my_module.exs I get undefined function sum/2 (there is no such import)

I’m not sure I’ll be able to call the file like this anyway, since it’s a phoenix file? Still, error is still the same error.

I’ll try moving the function out to another file. If u see the replit link I added this is not specific to phoenix or migrations (just calling a function inside a module - the real question), and it still causes the error.

It might make U login to this though, not sure.

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Replace this with:

defmodule MyModule do
  def sum(a, b) do
    a + b


Namely call it outside of the module, not inside of it. When you are trying to run code inside the module body – but NOT inside a function body – then you are effectively trying to run code that wasn’t compiled yet (if I remember correctly).

So if your goal is to define a module with functions and then immediately call them, my above code is a good way to do it.

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