Can I use `is_list/1` with Nx.Defn?

Hey there. Is there a way to use is_list inside a defn function definition?

This is code for a normal distribution density:

 @spec pdf([number], number, number) :: number
  defn pdf(x, mu \\ 0, sigma \\ 1) do
    x = Nx.tensor(x)
    pi = pi()
    expon = - Nx.pow((x - mu) / sigma, 2) / 2
    denom = 1 / (sigma * (2 * pi) ** 0.5)
    Nx.exp(expon) * denom

I want to check if x is a list so that I know when to use Nx.tensor and stop receiving the following warning:

warning: Nx.tensor/2 inside defn expects the first argument to be a literal (such as a list)
  defn pdf(x, mu \\ 0, sigma \\ 1) when is_list(x) do
    x = Nx.tensor(x)
    pi = pi()
    expon = - Nx.pow((x - mu) / sigma, 2) / 2
    denom = 1 / (sigma * (2 * pi) ** 0.5)
    Nx.exp(expon) * denom

  defn pdf(x, mu \\ 0, sigma \\ 1)  when is_map(x) do
     tensor = 
          |> Map.to_list 
          |> Nx.tensor(x)

For some backends, defn will recompile its code for every input shape. Calling Nx.tensor inside is going to circumvent that.

What about a regular function that handles the argument-juggling?

  def pdf(numbers, mu \\ 0, sigma \\ 1)

  def pdf(numbers, mu, sigma) when is_list(numbers) do
    pdf_nx(Nx.tensor(numbers), mu, sigma)

  def pdf(numbers, mu, sigma), do: pdf_nx(numbers, mu, sigma)

  defn pdf_nx(x, mu \\ 0, sigma \\ 1) do
    pi = pi()
    expon = - Nx.pow((x - mu) / sigma, 2) / 2
    denom = 1 / (sigma * (2 * pi) ** 0.5)
    Nx.exp(expon) * denom
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The short answer is no. There are no lists inside defn. You must build your tensor outside of the defn and then pass it as argument to the defn, as @al2o3cr outlined above.


Thanks, it helped a lot! @josevalim @al2o3cr @BradS2S