Can LiveDashboard be used as an AppSignal/New Relic replacement?

FWIW, this is exactly why I’ve been working on a PR and effort to get optional hooks to allow the app to provide historical information for metrics when the client initially connects… in my conception, this is probably only for last minutes or at most hours of history, and the hook wouldn’t give you any control or anything to go back further to days or weeks even if you stored it somewhere… José has indicated they are open to receiving a PR for the hook, but not to actually defaulting to or tackling storing state directly in LiveDashboard itself under any circumstances. If interested in this use case, I have a PR demoing this usage from my fork here that’s at least functional for some simple use cases and I’m trying to prove it out and polish it there and in my fork, but definitely want more community buy-in/feedback and help getting the API right and figuring out who else is interested in this direction. My fork itself is here and there’s some additional discussion here Anyone running (or wanting to run) Live Dashboard in prod, I'd like to help you with custom metrics/history! and in some other places I can point to, one other thread here and one or two other PR’s into upstream dashboard

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