defmodule A do
@type size :: pos_integer()
defguard is_size(x) when is_integer(x) and x > 0
def default_size(), do: 1
…how do we make the below work without prefixes?
defmodule B do
@type t :: %__MODULE__{size: size()}
defstruct [size: default_size()]
def put_size(opts, size) when is_list(opts) and is_size(size), do: Keyword.put(opts, :size, size)
Tried import A and require A, both don’t get the job done.
What elementary Elixir lesson I managed to forget?
Yeah. I just import the guards and prefix the types. Seems there’s no actual seamless way to import everything in one go without any prefixes. Thank you.
You might also group your types into a module like so
defmodule MyApp.Types do
defmacro __using__(_opts) do
quote do
@type greek_t :: :alpha | :beta
@type mystruct_t :: MyApp.MyStruct.t # Beware of circulars here!!