Can you use the Redix_Pubsub library with Phoenix?

Hi all, I’m trying to use this library: in my phoenix app.

It seems this library is meant for elixir, but I was wondering if we could set this up in phoenix and how? Installing is fine, but where do I call the start_link, subscribe functions to test if I can receive messages?

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It should be fine if You just add the dependency to the mix file and run mix deps.get.

Then start it like this. You will need to have Redis running.

iex> {:ok, pubsub} = Redix.PubSub.start_link()
{:ok, #PID<0.307.0>}

This is started in the elixir shell. How do we start it in the phoenix app?

I would use


Do you mean i should plug the whole code snippet there?

No, just add a line like…

worker(Redix.PubSub, [])

to the children part of the start function.

So I’ve started the redis server and added that worker to the application.ex

What I don’t understand is where my app receives information as the subscriber?

Should I be plugging:

Redix.PubSub.subscribe(pubsub, "my_channel", self())
#=> :ok

# We wait for the subscription confirmation
receive do
   {:redix_pubsub, ^pubsub, :subscribed, %{channel: "my_channel"}} -> :ok

Redix.command!(client, ~w(PUBLISH my_channel hello)

receive do
  {:redix_pubsub, ^pubsub, :message, %{channel: "my_channel"} = properties} ->


Your application is just a bunch of processes… Choose a process that cares about the messages sent by Redis and use it to subscribe.

I would not use a receive block. Probably I would use handle_info in a registered GenServer.

Sorry very unfamiliar. I read the documentation and there isn’t a handle_info function either. I shouldn’t be sticking any of this receiver / handle_info code in channels correct?

Let’s take a step back: What are you trying to subscribe to, and what do you want to do when you get a message? What are you trying to accomplish?

All I’m trying to do is get a golang microservice to tell my phoenix app that my data has been processed and saved to the database. So I understand this to be my phoenix app as the subscriber and my golang microservice to be the publisher

Cool. It sounds like you probably need to create a GenServer process that you add to your application.ex supervision tree. Inside that GenServer you’ll subscribe to RedixPubsub, and then can take some kind of action when a message arrives. I highly recommend checking out this guide and the pages after it if you’re unclear on how to configure a GenServer within your application.

So I’ve just created a MyApp.Registry file (AKA my Genserver) which has a handle_info function. This is located in my folder lib/my_app. What do I do in my application.ex?

Registry is an unfortunate name for a GenServer, because You might confuse with Elixir Registry.

Once You have a GenServer, You can use application.ex to start it.

Inside this GenServer, I would use init to subscribe, and handle_info to receive messages from Redis, as mentionned by @benwilson512

Say I just went ahead with the word registry, should I be adding supervisor(MyApp.Registry.start_link([])) to the children array?

No, You should use worker()… supervisor() is for … supervisor.

like this

worker(MyApp.MyGenServer, [])

You don’t need to specify start_link inside.

So do I do this in the init function?

    def init(:ok) do
    names = %{}
    refs = %{}

    {:ok, pubsub} = Redix.PubSub.start_link()
    Redix.PubSub.subscribe(pubsub, "my_channel", self())

    {:ok, {names, refs}}

I would not start Redix.PubSub here, but in application, and before your GenServer starts…

{:ok, pubsub} = Redix.PubSub.start_link()

# instead, put this in application

worker(Redix.PubSub, [])

But the rest seems fine.

Is this how application.ex should look like?

defmodule MyApp.Application do
  use Application

def start(_type, _args) do
import Supervisor.Spec

children = [
  supervisor(MyApp.Repo, []),
  supervisor(MyAppWeb.Endpoint, []),
  worker(Redix.PubSub, []),

{:ok, pubsub} = Redix.PubSub.start_link()

opts = [strategy: :one_for_one, name: MyApp.Supervisor]
result = Supervisor.start_link(children, opts)


def config_change(changed, _new, removed) do
  MyAppWeb.Endpoint.config_change(changed, removed)

What was the result of your previous try? Apart from not being started by top supervisor, it should have been working.