My demand: On user dashboard user is seeing his profile picture and cover photo. When he clicks on Cover photo a drop down menu opens up and there are 2 options/buttons. 1-Change Cover photo, 2- Delete cover photo. When he clicks the change cover photo option user is required to select the image and the image is processed after it is uploaded successfully.
Error: The image is not uploading 100%. And before complete upload the function “consume_uploaded_entries” is called.
Question: Now how to tell in elixir to wait till the image is uploaded 100% (progress: 100) before calling the function “consume_uploaded_entries”.
html file:
<div class="dropdown-menu btn" aria-labelledby="dropdownMenuButton">
<ul class="text-color-dark-4">
<form phx-change="update_cover_photo">
<label class="text-body-normal text-color-dark-3 test" type="button">
<img src="/images/SmallCamera.svg" class="camera-img-change">
Change cover photo
<%= live_file_input @uploads.update_cover_photo, class: "d-none" %>
<label >...</label>
def handle_event("update_cover_photo", unsigned_params, socket) do
user = socket.assigns.current_user
res =
consume_uploaded_entries(socket, :update_cover_photo, fn %{path: path}, entry ->
file = %Plug.Upload{
content_type: entry.client_type,
filename: entry.client_name,
path: path