Hello guys,
I’m having trouble when I’m using cors_plug,
I have my front end app that uses elm to send GET or POST requests and uses preflight validation with OPTIONS request, I do get the translated post request but the parameters are empty.
I do not quite understand what’s the problem I think that the post request is sent in the body of the OPTIONS request and so the controller cannot get that body…
I followed the instructions of https://hexdocs.pm/cors_plug/readme.html#content to install and initialize cors to handle the preflight validation.
If someone got an idea I will be more than thankeful.
Thanks for your time and attention.
Ps: If you need any detailed information about the router or controller you can get everything on my repo: https://github.com/HETIC-MT-P2021/aio-group3-proj01/tree/feat_new-category-view or ask me on the topic I will be reactive.