Cannot run tests in VSCode UI: module Plug.Builder is not loaded

I have a problem when attempting to run a test inside of the VSCode (i.e. by clicking on a green triangle to the left of the test). The output I get in the debug window:

Started ElixirLS Debug Adapter v0.23.0
ElixirLS Debug Adapter built with elixir "1.17.2" on OTP "27"
Running on elixir "1.17.2 (compiled with Erlang/OTP 27)" on OTP "27"
Protocols are not consolidated
Starting debugger in directory: /home/ought/Coding/Elixir/sample_app
Running with MIX_ENV: test MIX_TARGET: host
Compiling 23 files (.ex)
    error: module Plug.Builder is not loaded and could not be found. This may be happening because the module you are trying to load directly or indirectly depends on the current module
  2 │   use Phoenix.Endpoint, otp_app: :sample_app
    │   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    └─ lib/sample_app_web/endpoint.ex:2: SampleAppWeb.Endpoint (module)

== Compilation error in file lib/sample_app_web/endpoint.ex ==
** (CompileError) lib/sample_app_web/endpoint.ex: cannot compile module SampleAppWeb.Endpoint (errors have been logged)
    (elixir 1.17.2) expanding macro: Kernel.use/2
    lib/sample_app_web/endpoint.ex:2: SampleAppWeb.Endpoint (module)
    (phoenix 1.7.14) expanding macro: Phoenix.Endpoint.__using__/1
    lib/sample_app_web/endpoint.ex:2: SampleAppWeb.Endpoint (module)
    (elixir 1.17.2) expanding macro: Kernel.use/2

This problem does not happen when I run the tests from the terminal window by mix test - this way tests work normally.
My tasks are the default ones - i.e.:

    "version": "0.2.0",
    "configurations": [
            "type": "mix_task",
            "name": "mix (Default task)",
            "request": "launch",
            "projectDir": "${workspaceRoot}"
            "type": "mix_task",
            "name": "mix test",
            "request": "launch",
            "task": "test",
            "taskArgs": [
            "startApps": true,
            "projectDir": "${workspaceRoot}",
            "requireFiles": [

The repository of my simple project is here: . The extension that I use is ElixirLS.
Is there any way to make this feature (running tests in IDE) work? It’s a dealbreaker for me =-)

Figured it out myself - if somebody else has this problem, what you need to do is clear your project folder from all ide-configuration and build files (like folders _build, .elixir-ls and so on), and then re-open the project. It will start working :slight_smile: