We are getting the following error in our error tracking platform:
** (ArgumentError) errors were found at the given arguments:
* 2nd argument: not a tuple
And I’m having a hard time debugging it because the stack trace doesn’t shed any light on where the issue might be coming from:
Any advise on where I can start debugging his issue from? Thanks!
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Hey Pedro
you should update your tzdata
dep to 1.1.2
opened 12:24AM - 10 Sep 24 UTC
[debug] Tzdata data downloaded. Release version 2024b.
[error] GenServer :… tzdata_release_updater terminating
** (ArgumentError) errors were found at the given arguments:
* 2nd argument: not a tuple
:erlang.element(1, :error)
(tzdata 1.1.1) lib/tzdata/util.ex:223: Tzdata.Util.to_int/1
(tzdata 1.1.1) lib/tzdata/parser.ex:38: Tzdata.Parser.process_rule/1
(tzdata 1.1.1) lib/tzdata/parser.ex:24: Tzdata.Parser.process_tz_list/1
(tzdata 1.1.1) lib/tzdata/parser.ex:86: Tzdata.Parser.process_zone/5
(tzdata 1.1.1) lib/tzdata/parser.ex:24: Tzdata.Parser.process_tz_list/1
(tzdata 1.1.1) lib/tzdata/parser.ex:86: Tzdata.Parser.process_zone/5
(tzdata 1.1.1) lib/tzdata/parser.ex:24: Tzdata.Parser.process_tz_list/1
(tzdata 1.1.1) lib/tzdata/parser.ex:86: Tzdata.Parser.process_zone/5
(tzdata 1.1.1) lib/tzdata/parser.ex:24: Tzdata.Parser.process_tz_list/1
(tzdata 1.1.1) lib/tzdata/parser.ex:86: Tzdata.Parser.process_zone/5
(tzdata 1.1.1) lib/tzdata/parser.ex:24: Tzdata.Parser.process_tz_list/1
(tzdata 1.1.1) lib/tzdata/parser.ex:86: Tzdata.Parser.process_zone/5
(tzdata 1.1.1) lib/tzdata/parser.ex:24: Tzdata.Parser.process_tz_list/1
(tzdata 1.1.1) lib/tzdata/parser.ex:86: Tzdata.Parser.process_zone/5
(tzdata 1.1.1) lib/tzdata/parser.ex:24: Tzdata.Parser.process_tz_list/1
(tzdata 1.1.1) lib/tzdata/parser.ex:86: Tzdata.Parser.process_zone/5
(tzdata 1.1.1) lib/tzdata/parser.ex:24: Tzdata.Parser.process_tz_list/1
(tzdata 1.1.1) lib/tzdata/parser.ex:86: Tzdata.Parser.process_zone/5
(tzdata 1.1.1) lib/tzdata/parser.ex:24: Tzdata.Parser.process_tz_list/1
Last message: :check_if_time_to_update
State: []
I did start off with my config as
`config :tzdata, :data_dir, "priv/tzdata"`
which also had this error on mix phx.server
and is now
config :tzdata, :autoupdate, :disabled # Disable automatic updates of tzdata because crashy
config :elixir, :time_zone_database, Tzdata.TimeZoneDatabase
config :tzdata, :data_dir, "priv/tzdata"
September 16, 2024, 6:05pm
What can I do for my installed base of systems that are running on an older version of tzdata. We don’t do live code updates on those systems.
Was there a change in the data format for 2024b that isn’t supported on older versions? Any chance that that format could be avoided in a quick data update called 2024c?