Updated question:
After reviewing my original problem I realized that I have made things harder on myself and now I have a different issue.
It might be best to explain what I want the code to do in the end.
It starts with an input that is a list of maps like so :
parsed_data = [...%{
__meta__: #Ecto.Schema.Metadata<:loaded, "territories_to_scrape">,
count: 1000000000,
id: 23,
inserted_at: ~N[2021-12-20 16:01:48],
postal_code: ["92887", "92886", "92883", "92882", "92881", "92880", "92879",
"92870", "92869", "92868", "92867", "92866", "92865", "92861", "92860",
"92845", "92844", "92843", "92841", "92840", "92835", "92833", ...],
state: "California",
territory_id: 25,
territory_name: "California25",
updated_at: ~N[2021-12-20 16:01:48]
__meta__: #Ecto.Schema.Metadata<:loaded, "territories_to_scrape">,
count: 1000000000,
id: 24,
inserted_at: ~N[2021-12-20 16:01:48],
postal_code: ["97206", "97205", "97204", "97203", "97202", "97201", "97149",
"97148", "97147", "97146", "97145", "97144", "97141", "97140", "97138",
"97137", "97136", "97135", "97134", "97133", "97132", ...],
state: "Texas",
territory_id: 9,
territory_name: "Texas9",
updated_at: ~N[2021-12-20 16:01:48]
}, ... ]
I want to iterate over each postal code so that it gives me a new list of maps where each postal code is mapped to each other element in the map:
example of desired output for this step I’m only interested in count, postal code and state):
[...%{count: 1000000000, postal_code: "92887", state: "California"},
%{count: 1000000000, postal_code: "92886", state: "California"},
%{count: 1000000000, postal_code: "92883", state: "California"}, ... ]
I then want to pass that to a function and have it insert the strikezone
for each map
example desired output (notice nothing changes but the strikezone:
[...%{count: 1000000000, postal_code: "92887", state: "California", strikezone: "OEM Auto Dealer"},
%{count: 1000000000, postal_code: "92887", state: "California", strikezone: "HVAC"},
%{count: 1000000000, postal_code: "92887", state: "California", strikezone: "Jewelry"}...]
Then I want to use this list of maps to populate the arguments of the Helpers.pull_by_postal_code function which takes a count, a postal_code, a state and a strikezone.
So far this is what I have been able to figure out:
is the original list of maps:
def enum_each_list(parsed_data) do
|> Enum.map(fn row ->
# # @doc """
# # Specify list of postal codes and desired strikezones and count and will pull by postal code for each
# # """
def pull_by_specific_postal_codes(row) do
strikezones = [
"OEM Auto Dealer",
"Used Car Dealers"]
state = row.state
count = row.count
postal_code = row.postal_code
|> Enum.map(fn x -> %{state: state, postal_code: x, count: count} end)
This almost gets me to the point where I can start to try to add in the strikezones but this code as it stands results in a list of lists of maps which I can’t figure out how to flatten in a way that still works:
current output:
[%{count: 1000000000, postal_code: "92887", state: "California"},
%{count: 1000000000, postal_code: "92887", state: "California"},
%{count: 1000000000, postal_code: "92887", state: "California"}
[%{count: 1000000000, postal_code: "29627", state: "Oregon"},
%{count: 1000000000, postal_code: "97045", state: "Oregon"},
%{count: 1000000000, postal_code: "97080", state: "Oregon"}
I am constantly running into this issue with elixir where I inadvertently nest lists inside of lists and I just can’t figure out out to map the data that I need without completely screwing myself up. Any direction appreciated.