Capturing anonymous functions in macros


I’m trying to create some syntactic sugar through a macro. The basic function should look like the following:

f :name do
  data.something + 10

The macro will transform the body to an anonymous function. Yes the somewhat undefined data is intentional, it will be used to capture the argument that will be passed to the function.

I didn’t manage to create a macro that resolves the data correctly. I found now a solution that works by using the anonymous function of the capture operator. The downside is that I need to capture the argument through &1.something which does not look nice :frowning: (note the real code looks more complicated since it uses a compile hook, but the following is working)

defmodule F do
  defmacro f(name, options, do: block) do
    func = quote do
    quote do
      register(unquote(name), unquote(options), unquote(func))

  def register(name, options, func) do
    result = func.(%{something: 10})
    IO.puts("#{inspect name}, #{inspect options}, #{inspect func}, #{inspect result}")

defmodule G do
  def run() do
    import F
    F.f :name, [] do

And call it with:

import G

If I convert the capturing operator to an anonymous function it should work just fine. The doc does state:

In other words, &(&1 * 2) is equivalent to fn x -> x * 2 end.

But, whenI change my macro to look like this:

defmacro f(name, options, do: block) do
    func = quote do
      fn(data) -> unquote(block) end
    quote do
      register(unquote(name), unquote(options), unquote(func))

I get the error:

warning: variable "data" does not exist and is being expanded to "data()", please use parentheses to remove the ambiguity or change the variable name

== Compilation error in file lib/f.ex ==
** (CompileError) lib/f.ex:21: undefined function data/0 (expected G to define such a function or for it to be imported, but none are available)

Why is this? Can someone please help me to understand this?

What you’re struggling with is called macro hygiene.

This macro would indeed expand this call:

f(:name, [option: :option]) do
  data.something + 10

into this code:

register(:name, [option: :option], fn(data) -> data.something + 10 end)

However, the compiler recognizes that the variable data has two different providences, and treats them as different variables; it sees things more like this:

register(:name, [option: :option], fn(data1) -> data2.something + 10 end)
#                                     ▲         ▲
# your macro's `data` ────────────────┘         │
# your user code's `data` ──────────────────────┘

Macro hygiene allows macro authors to not worry about their generated code stepping on other variables in scope, but requires more work when injecting user-provided code with your own variables.

You should be able to follow the guide linked above to decorate your macro’s data with a call to var! to escape hygiene.

Alternatively, and perhaps more idiomatically, you could allow the user code to dictate the variable name by having your macro expect clauses, similar to a case statement. Untested code snippet, that I’ve gotten to work with macros before; IIRC you have to build the AST for the fn by hand instead of using quote/unquote as there is no analog to unquote_splicing that works for clauses:

defmacro f(name, options, do: clauses) do
    func_ast = {:fn, [], clauses}
    quote do
      register(unquote(name), unquote(options), unquote(func_ast))

Then in user-code:

f(:name, [option: :option]) do
  data -> data.something + 10

This has the added benefit of letting users pattern-match and provide multiple clauses to handle different cases.

At this point though, you may well want them to just pass in a function–depending on your use-case.


Thanks for your swift help. It is indeed what you are stating. Thus the use of Kernel.var! solves that problem.

The reason why I didn’t manage to resolve it myself, because I didn’t realize the difference between Macro.var and Kernel.var!.

Thanks again for your help.

Ps: Your suggestion to allow the user to select the binding, is definitely something I wanted to allow, in a later version.