Hi all! Going through the Ecto docs and trying to understand something-
Makes sense to me for their suggestion to use a case
statement like
case Friends.Repo.insert(changeset) do
{:ok, person} ->
# do something with person
{:error, changeset} ->
# do something with changeset
for the error handling- just not quite sure how that’s implemented with the an existing Schema changeset like-
def changeset(person, params \\ %{}) do
|> Ecto.Changeset.cast(params, [:first_name, :last_name, :age])
|> Ecto.Changeset.validate_required([:first_name, :last_name])
How exactly is this case
statement wrapped in def changeset
Additionally, in this case
statement: what am I doing with the first {:ok, person}
tuple? I understand with the {:error, changeset}
tuple I can return something like-
traverse_errors(changeset, fn {msg, opts} ->
Enum.reduce(opts, msg, fn {key, value}, acc ->
String.replace(acc, "%{#{key}}", to_string(value))
Thanks for any help