Cast_assoc invalid

Hi all
I have following schemas

schema "languages_code" do
   field :code, :string
   field :text, :string


and another schema that will be associated with languages_code schema:

schema "countries" do

    belongs_to :code, CountryCode, references: :alpha2
    belongs_to :language, LanguageCode, references: :code
    field :text, :string



  def changeset(model, params \\ %{}) do

	  |> cast(params, [:text])
	  |> cast_assoc(:code)
	  |> cast_assoc(:language)
	  |> validate_required([:code, :language, :text])


Then I test it as follow:

iex(1)> alias Busiket.Country
iex(2)> v = %{code: "CH", language: "DE", text: "Schweiz"}
%{code: "CH", language: "DE", text: "Schweiz"}
iex(3)> c = Country.changeset(%Country{}, v)
#Ecto.Changeset<action: nil, changes: %{text: "Schweiz"},
 errors: [language: {"is invalid", [type: :map]},
  code: {"is invalid", [type: :map]}], data: #Busiket.Country<>, valid?: false>

What is wrong with association?

I tried as follow:

iex(4)> v = %{code: %{code: "CH"}, language: %{alpha2: "DE"}, text: "Schweiz"}
%{code: %{code: "CH"}, language: %{alpha2: "DE"}, text: "Schweiz"}
iex(5)> c = Country.changeset(%Country{}, v)                                  
#Ecto.Changeset<action: nil,
 changes: %{code: #Ecto.Changeset<action: :insert, changes: %{},
    errors: [alpha2: {"can't be blank", []}, alpha3: {"can't be blank", []}],
    data: #Busiket.CountryCode<>, valid?: false>,
   language: #Ecto.Changeset<action: :insert, changes: %{},
    errors: [code: {"can't be blank", []}, text: {"can't be blank", []}],
    data: #Busiket.LanguageCode<>, valid?: false>, text: "Schweiz"}, errors: [],
 data: #Busiket.Country<>, valid?: false>

I’ve forgot to mention, that the data on the language_code table is already available:

I do not have to insert it, only to validate, if the value of the field code of the country is match to the table of language_code.


1 Like

If you don’t need to insert it, just validate it exists, you can let the database take care of it for you:

schema "countries" do
   field :code
   field :language
   field :text

def changeset(struct, params \\ %{}) do
  |> cast(params, [:text, :code, :language])
  |> validate_required([:code, :language, :text])
  |> foreign_key_constraint(:code, name: :name_of_the_code_foreign_key)
  |> foreign_key_constraint(:language, name: :name_of_the_language_foreign_key)

Then you can query your database to find the name of the foreign keys. If you are not sure the foreign key exists, then you can try to insert a country with a code that certainly does not exist and Ecto will error, telling you which foreign key name that failed, or succeed, which means you have no primary keys and therefore you should add one.


First of all, thanks for your answer.

Do I need anymore?

|> cast_assoc(:code)
|> cast_assoc(:language)

or just:

def changeset(struct, params \\ %{}) do
  |> cast(params, [:text])
  |> validate_required([:code, :language, :text])
  |> foreign_key_constraint(:code, name: :name_of_the_code_foreign_key)
  |> foreign_key_constraint(:language, name: :name_of_the_language_foreign_key)


Sorry, you are right. You don’t need cast_assoc but make sure you pass both :code and :language to cast. I will edit my previous answer for clarify.

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Thanks jose.

Did it work? :smiley:

I changed my schema to:

schema "countries" do

    field :code, :string
    field :language, :string
    field :text, :string



  def changeset(model, params \\ %{}) do

	  |> cast(params, [:code, :language, :text])
	  |> validate_required([:code, :language, :text])
	  |> foreign_key_constraint(:code, name: :alpha2)
      |> foreign_key_constraint(:language, name: :code)


as output

iex(11)> v = %{code: "LK", language: "ZZ", text: "Schweiz"}
%{code: "LK", language: "ZZ", text: "Schweiz"}
iex(12)> c = Country.changeset(%Country{}, v)              
#Ecto.Changeset<action: nil,
 changes: %{code: "LK", language: "ZZ", text: "Schweiz"}, errors: [],
 data: #Busiket.Country<>, valid?: true>

It should complain, a country with code LK does not exists!


@josevalim I found the error, it is on migration file, since I rename the column:

create table(:countries) do
  add :coun, references(:countries_code, column: :alpha2, type: :string)
  add :lang, references(:languages_code, column: :code, type: :string)
  add :text, :string


create unique_index(:countries, [:coun, :lang])

I rename the column from coun to code and from lang to language.
Now how to add references to the new name of columns?

Delete and create the countries database with:

  def change do

    drop table(:countries)

    create table(:countries) do
      add :code, references(:countries_code, column: :alpha2, type: :string)
      add :language, references(:languages_code, column: :code, type: :string)
      add :text, :string


    create unique_index(:countries, [:code, :language])


and tried with:

iex(2)> v = %{code: "LK", language: "ZZ", text: "Schweiz"}
%{code: "LK", language: "ZZ", text: "Schweiz"}
iex(3)> c = Country.changeset(%Country{}, v)  
#Ecto.Changeset<action: nil,
 changes: %{code: "LK", language: "ZZ", text: "Schweiz"}, errors: [],
 data: #Busiket.Country<>, valid?: true>

The compiler should complain.

If you are using “references”, one is automatically added for you. Please
check the answer in my first post, I think you did not add the new fields
to the “cast” call in your changeset function (because I forgot to do so as
well in my original reply).

Hi jose
I tried again as you metioned and it does not work.

The schema and changeset function:

  schema "countries" do

    field :iso_country, :string
    field :iso_language, :string
    field :name, :string



  def changeset(struct, params \\ %{}) do

    |> cast(params, [:iso_country, :iso_language, :name])
    |> validate_required([:iso_country, :iso_language, :name])
    |> foreign_key_constraint(:iso_country, name: :iso)
    |> foreign_key_constraint(:iso_language, name: :iso)


and migration:

def change do

create table(:countries) do

  add :iso_country, references(:countries_code, column: :iso, type: :string)
  add :iso_language, references(:languages_code, column: :iso, type: :string)
  add :name, :string


create unique_index(:countries, [:iso_country, :iso_language])

When I look at the pgAdmin console, the migration did the right job:

as you can see on the picture, the constraints on countries table is available.

I test as follow:

iex(4)> a = %{iso_country: "YY", iso_language: "DE", name: "Schweiz"}
%{iso_country: "YY", iso_language: "DE", name: "Schweiz"}
iex(5)> Country.changeset(%Country{}, a)
#Ecto.Changeset<action: nil,
 changes: %{iso_country: "YY", iso_language: "DE", name: "Schweiz"}, errors: [],
 data: #Busiket.Country<>, valid?: true>

The country with iso YY does not exists on countries_code db:

What am I doing wrong?


Constraints are only tested after you do a repository operation, such as Repo.insert, since it is the database reporting what is wrong (rather than we testing it).


So, I have to do Repo.insert to get to know if there is a constraint error or not?

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Yes, that’s by definition how constraints in Ecto work. They rely on the
database as the da abase is the only one who can effectively say if that
relationship exists or not.


My last question(hopefully :slight_smile: ), when I tried to insert into db, I’ve got an exception:

iex(5)> e = Repo.insert(c)
[debug] QUERY ERROR db=16.0ms
INSERT INTO "countries" ("iso_country","iso_language","name","inserted_at","updated_at") VALUES ($1,$2,$3,$4,$5) RETURNING "id" ["YY", "DE", "Schweiz", {{2016, 11, 24}, {13, 28, 8, 0}}, {{2016, 11, 24}, {13, 28, 8, 0}}]
** (Ecto.ConstraintError) constraint error when attempting to insert struct:

If you would like to convert this constraint into an error, please
call foreign_key_constraint/3 in your changeset and define the proper
constraint name. The changeset defined the following constraints:

How to get a message instead raised exception?
In doc it says, I should get a tuple.


Can you post the full message? The error message is telling exactly what you need to do. You need to pass the :name option to foreign_key_constraint/3 with the foreign key name that is failing.

I’ve found the solution:

  def changeset(struct, params \\ %{}) do

    |> cast(params, [:iso_country, :iso_language, :name])
    |> validate_required([:iso_country, :iso_language, :name])
    |> foreign_key_constraint(:iso_country)
    |> foreign_key_constraint(:iso_language)


It works as expected.
At last, what is the :name options for, that I can pass?

with the name option, I’ve got error as I mentioned above.

So I will post the final code, that works.

  schema "countries" do

    field :iso_country, :string
    field :iso_language, :string
    field :name, :string



  def changeset(struct, params \\ %{}) do

    |> cast(params, [:iso_country, :iso_language, :name])
    |> validate_required([:iso_country, :iso_language, :name])
    |> foreign_key_constraint(:iso_country)
    |> foreign_key_constraint(:iso_language)


Look at the function foreign_key_constraint, I do not pass the name option parameter and it works. Why? What is the use of the name option parameter?

The name option would be given to the foreign_key_constraint function. If it works without passing the :name option, it means Ecto is guessing the proper name for you.