Catch all route phoenix help

i want a catch all route that captures the path as a param but I already have something like this in my router:

scope "/:language", MyWeb do
  pipe_through [...]
  live_session :language, on_mount: MyWeb.Hooks.DoIt do
    live "/", IndexLive.Index, :index
    live "/thing/*rest_of_stuff", ThingLive.Index, :index

so if I add something like this at the bottom of the router

scope "/", MyWeb do
  pipe_through [...]

  live_session :other, on_mount: MyWeb.Hooks.DoIt do
    live "/*rest_of_stuff", ThingLive.Index, :index

it only works if the path is like /some/thing and obviously routes through the /:language scope if the path is like /something. I guess what i would like to do is check the params when it routes through the :language scope and hits "/" and based on some criteria kick it out of the :language scope if conditions aren’t met so that it continues down the router and ultimately the /*rest_of_stuff route gets hit. is there a way to do this?