Change content of a view depending on policies

My lib/example_app_web/live/product_live/index.ex file contains this code:

      <:action :let={{_id, product}}>
        <div class="sr-only">
          <.link navigate={~p"/products/#{product}"}>Show</.link>

        <.link patch={~p"/products/#{product}/edit"}>Edit</.link>

      <:action :let={{id, product}}>
          phx-click={JS.push("delete", value: %{id:}) |> hide("##{id}")}
          data-confirm="Are you sure?"

The policies for the product allow edit, destroy and create only for special users:

  policies do
    policy action_type([:create, :update, :destroy]) do
      authorize_if actor_attribute_equals(:is_admin?, true)

    policy action_type(:read) do
      authorize_if always()

How can I only display the edit and delete link in the view to users who have those rights?

Ash.can?/3 is what you’re looking for. There are a lot of options and nuances depending on the granularity and performance you need for your specific situation.

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Thanks! Is there anywhere an example of how to use it?

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In your case: Ash.can?({thing, :update}, user), for example.

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