Change keyword list to map for json encoding

I have this structure:

[%{"next" => ""},
%{"prev" => ""},
%{"first" => ""},
%{"last" => ""}]

With Poison.encode! I get following:


After parsing in JS with JSON.parse I recieve an array with 4 fields. What I need is a simple struct without an array, so I can access it in JS via, sruct.prev

How can I transform the keyword list to a struct, which gives me the JSON I need?
Any idea?

Which keywordlist? I only see a list of maps. And how should the struct look like?

What is the JSON you need?

Can you post an example JSON how it should look like?

Oh, thought [{:a, 1}, {:b, 2}] is a keyword list. But right, I have maps, aiiii.

The JSON I would like to get should look this way:


From a map:

  "next" => "",
  "prev" => "",
  "first" => "",
  "last" => ""

That should totally do it.

Of course you can also create a proper struct and implement Poison.Encoder and Poison.Decoder as needed, if that is necessary or not, you need to decide by yourself.

But encoding a keyword list isn’t possible, AFAIK, as poison always tries to make an elixir list a JSON array.

For your example Enum.reduce(list, &Map.merge/2) should work, but I’d first consider why you’re having that list in the first place.

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Hmmm, so I have to rewrite the code I am using. Thought I could transform the list, so Poison.encode could work.

will change my code to give me the structure I need.

You can transform the list, as shown by @LostKobrakai, but you really should consider using a map on the elixir side from the beginning.

A list of maps, one key each feels wrong, especially when you say, that you consider this a single entity at the other end of the application.


Yep, think this is not the best idea. Will change the code.

Edit: Changed it now to a simple map, was not that difficult as I thought. Tank you both for your answers :slight_smile:

This was really the core issue because had they been tuples:

iex(1)> key_values = [
...(1)>   {"next",""},
...(1)>   {"prev",""},
...(1)>   {"first",""},
...(1)>   {"last",""}
...(1)> ]
  {"next", ""},
  {"prev", ""},
  {"first", ""},
  {"last", ""}
iex(2)> my_map =
  "first" => "",
  "last" => "",
  "next" => "",
  "prev" => ""
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