Hello everyone,
I would like to integrate some c++ code to Elixir. The library is https://github.com/online-go/score-estimator.
This is a c++ library with only one functionality, to estimate the score of a go game.
The problem is this is quite expensive (about 500ms).
I learned nif should be short timed functions, otherwise performance will decrease. This is not really the use-case for a port because it is just a command line running.
I have done a wrapper with System, like this
defmodule GoEstimator do
@moduledoc false
@cmd "#{System.cwd}/priv/estimator"
def estimate(filename) do
case System.cmd @cmd, [filename] do
{result, 0} ->
{:ok, result}
{_, code} ->
{:error, "could not estimate game, failed with code #{code}"}
It is working, but not really useful for communicating with Elixir. I have to create input file, and process stdout.
What would be your advice to integrate c++ simple command line code? With possibly a better data passing between c code and Elixir? Should I?
- nifs
- ports/porcelain
- keep System wrapper, and transform stdin/stdout
- other not mentionned
Thanks for taking time.