Circuiits.UART problems in RPI0

It would have been fun and easy to solve if was this, justo to power on. I’m afraid it will be something more complex. With the logic analyzer the only thing I get after having turned on the board with Circuits.GPIO or with the physical button on the board. They are unreadable frames sent every so often without any specific action since I have a trigger that launches the recording when there is movement in the Tx or Rx and I only get start and stop bit missing! even without performing any action on the port. However in python the port is stable and only receives data when I receive or send data, and AT commands are correctly decoded in ASCII.

Logic Analyzer in Nerves. Channels setup Tx GPIO pin on blue in Phyton and Nerves tests.

And the example in python decoding every AT command, and launching the trigger when send the command.

I’ll post more test of the results.

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