Cldr.Number custom formatter


I have been going through the Cldr docs and I don’t see a clear way to do this.

How can I configure Cldr so I can overwrite the to_string function for certain things?

In particular I want to write the formatter so money:

<%= @money %>

is displayed as "$20" if the amount is {:USD, 20} and displayed as "$20.10" if the amount is {:USD, "20.10"}.
I know I can use Money.to_string with formatting options but I want to keep it simple for other devs and have custom Cldr formatter.

Anyone have any idea or pointers to help me out?

If this in phoenix templates? If so then you likely want to implement Phoenix.HTML.Safe for the Money struct.


I’m using Money v5.7.4 — Documentation
It already has the Html.Safe protocol implemented.

OK cool it finally “clicked” for me. I just put this in my code:

  defimpl Phoenix.HTML.Safe, for: Money do
    def to_iodata(money) do
      "this is how I do it!"
      |> Phoenix.HTML.Safe.to_iodata()

and now my money looks however I want it to look. Thanks @LostKobrakai

Oh, interesting. I’ll look at adding that as an implementation on the next version of ex_money. I’m only just now getting back to web dev and hadn’t realised there is both the Html.Safe and Phoenix.HTML.Safe protocols (and maybe there isn’t a difference any more!)

D’Oh, should have read my own code first. This is the implementation:

  defimpl Phoenix.HTML.Safe, for: Money do
    def to_iodata(money) do

Does it not do what you expect?

You can actually store formatting options in a Money.t if you need - that capability was primarily added to support this protocol. Of course if thats not enough you can certainly do your own implementation as you showed.


iex> m =, 1234, format: :long)
#Money<:USD, 1234>
iex> Money.to_string m                       
{:ok, "1,234 US dollars"}
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For illumination, here is exactly the code I ended up writing:

  defimpl Phoenix.HTML.Safe, for: Money do
    def to_iodata(%Money{amount: %Decimal{coef: coef, exp: 0}} = money) when is_integer(coef) do
      |> Money.to_string!(fractional_digits: 0)
      |> HTML.Safe.to_iodata()

    def to_iodata(money) do
      |> Money.to_string!()
      |> HTML.Safe.to_iodata()

So you can see there are 2 functions.

The 2nd function is the “fallback” function and is identical to the existing Money source code.

The 1st function pattern-matches for “integer” money amounts.

The result of this is displaying money as “$20.34” when it is not an integer amount and as “$20” when it is an integer amount (there is no ".00" at the end).

UPDATE: this code actually breaks my deployments. I get an error from mix release:

** (Mix) Duplicated modules:
     'Elixir.Phoenix.HTML.Safe.Money' specified in my_module and ex_money

I even get this error with elixirc_options: [ignore_module_conflict: true]] in my project in mix.exs.

I don’t understand this. Can you provide an example?

UPDATE: ignore this. I understand you mean, options). Sadly, this doesn’t fit my needs.

I need to fully override the protocol. Would it be possible to make this overrideable?

Thanks for the explanation and I understand the use case. Let me think on this and revert soon.

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As of commit 8c14f4f there is a compile-time option to configure whether or not the default protocol implementation is defined. The changelog entry is:

  • Add :define_phoenix_html_safe as a compile-time configuration option. The default is true. If set to a falsy value then the default protocol implementation will not be generated and users can define their own implementation.

Basically, in config.exs and friends:

config :ex_money,
  define_phoenix_html_safe: false

The commit is on a development branch that will be published Lunar New Year’s Day (next Tuesday) and therefore can’t really be used easily as a GitHub dependency.

If the need becomes urgent I can do a backport to the current main branch and publish a release, but I’d prefer to wait until Tuesday if thats possible. Let me know?

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It’s really cool that you decided to make this possible.

I wonder if maybe there is a more extensible approach?

What comes to mind is a compile-time configuration option :exclude_protocol_implementations with default []. If set to, e.g. [Gringotts.Money, Inspect, Jason.Encoder] then these 3 protocol implementations would not be defined.

For my case, I would then only need exclude_protocol_implementations: [Phoenix.HTML.Safe].

I think this approach will be easier for future customizations. Also the name exclude_protocol_implementations provides immediate insight into what is happening, even which file in the source code to check.

I left some comments on the commit, to illustrate what I’m thinking.

Thanks again!

P.S. This is not urgent at all. We are using a show_money view helper until something more elegant is possible. :+1:

I have pushed commit 72f78b4 to ex_money master branch implementing your suggestion. The changelog entry reads:


  • Adds configuration option :exclude_protocol_implementations to omit generating implementations for one or more protocols from the list Json.Encoder, Phoneix.HTML.Safe and Gringotts.Money. Thanks to @jgough-playoxygen for the suggestion.

If you have a chance to take it for a spin from GitHub that would be great. Pending your feedback I’ll then publish to hex.


I used the latest commit with our project and it works perfectly. Thanks @kip for your consistently beautiful and prolific work.

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For posterity, my function now looks like this:

  defimpl Phoenix.HTML.Safe, for: Money do
    def to_iodata(%Money{amount: %Decimal{coef: coef, exp: 0}} = money) when is_integer(coef) do
      |> Money.to_string!(fractional_digits: 0)
      |> HTML.Safe.to_iodata()

    @simple_currencies [:USD, :EUR]
    def to_iodata(%Money{amount: %Decimal{coef: coef, exp: -2}, currency: currency} = money)
        when rem(coef, 100) == 0 and currency in @simple_currencies do
        |> Money.to_string!(fractional_digits: 0)
        |> HTML.Safe.to_iodata()

    def to_iodata(money) do
      |> Money.to_string!()
      |> HTML.Safe.to_iodata()
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Thanks for the feedback. I’ve published ex_money version 5.8.0 with this new configuration option :exclude_protocol_implementations.

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