Thought this would be a nice way to start the year - have you seen or written an Elixir function or piece of code that you are particularly fond of? Perhaps you admired its simplicity (or complexity!) or maybe your surprised yourself or surpassed your own expectations of what is possible?
I was able to run a million tasks in 4.2 seconds seconds on my PC which is very good for a task queue like this, it means dispatching approximately 238,095 tasks per second which is very good.
An example of this anti-pattern, as shown below, is a module that implements arithmetic operations (like add and subtract ) by means of a GenServer process
And then pretty much shows something very similar to what I made, so I realize that it is not really an example of where I would use a GenServer in production.
But I feel proud of completing this task, since GenServers and supervisors are one of the more advanced concepts in Elixir, and this is, after all, a complete application that uses them.