Compare nullable fields in filters

I have this filter in my action:

|> Ash.Query.filter(organization_id == ^actor.organization_id)

The issue with it is that organization_id can be null, so when that happen, I will get this warning:

warning: Comparing values with `nil` will always return `false`. Use `is_nil/1` instead. In: `organization_id == nil`
  (core 1.95.1) lib/core/marketplace/markets/property/actions/retrades_required.ex:12:
  (ash 3.4.18) lib/ash/actions/action.ex:129:
  (ash 3.4.18) lib/ash.ex:1376: Ash.run_action/2
  (ash 3.4.18) lib/ash.ex:1347: Ash.run_action!/2
  (core 1.95.1) lib/core_web/live/admin/dashboard_live.ex:131: CoreWeb.Admin.DashboardLive.do_load_card_data/2
  (phoenix_live_view 0.20.17) lib/phoenix_live_view/async.ex:220: Phoenix.LiveView.Async.do_async/5
  (elixir 1.17.2) lib/task/supervised.ex:101: Task.Supervised.invoke_mfa/2

How can I rewrite that so I will stop getting this warning?

What do you want to happen when actor.organization_id is nil? Do you want nothing to show up? Or do you want everything to show up?

I want to still compare them and return if both are nil.

Something like this:

is_nil(organization_id) == is_nil(^actor.organization_id) or organization_id == ^actor.organization_id

How about something like this?

|> then(fn query -> 
  if is_nil(actor.organization_id) do
    Ash.Query.filter(query, is_nil(organization_id))
    Ash.Query.filter(query, organization_id == ^actor.organization_id)