Compatibility between Erlang, Elixir and Phoenix


As I often face problems between different versions of Erlang, Elixir, Phoenix and libraries I found this great overview: which shows which Elixir version is compatible with which Erlang version.

Is there something similiar that contains Phoenix?

(What version of Erlang/Elixir goes well with Phoenix 1.1.6?
What version of Erlang/Elixir goes well with Phoenix 1.3.4?
What version of Erlang/Elixir goes well with Phoenix 1.4?)


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When Phoenix builds, it uses multiple versions. You can see the matrix here:

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Thanks for your answer.

But as Chris Mccord said in Erlang 19.0, Elixir 1.3 and Phoenix 1.1.4 compatible? , at least any prior Phoenix 1.1.x releases don’t have erl 19 support, Maybe there are other dependencies, too. So I ask myself where which Phoenix version fits in such a compatibility table.

If you notice, I linked to a tagged version of phoenix. You can see what phoenix is tested against for any particular version of phoenix. The 1.1.4 version mentioned there was only tested against Elixir 1.1.1 and OTP 18. If you want to know what exact versions will work together, the test matrix is the best source.