* (CompileError): undefined function

defmodule Benchmark do

	def main do
		module_function = Foo.main
		_ = module_function

	def run(params) do
		number_of_trials = Enum.at(params, 0)
		total_warm_up_cycles = Enum.at(params, 1)

		IO.puts("Warming up . . . initiating first trial of #{number_of_trials}.")

		start_time = System.monotonic_time(:millisecond)

		main = main()
		_ = main

		end_time = System.monotonic_time(:millisecond)
		elapsed_time = (end_time - start_time) / 1000

		results = %{time: [elapsed_time], acc: 1}  

		run(results, number_of_trials, totaL_warm_up_cycles)

	def run(results, number_of_trials, total_warm_up_cycles) do
		start_time = System.monotonic_time(:millisecond)

		main = main()
		_ = main

		end_time = System.monotonic_time(:millisecond)
		new_time = (end_time - start_time) / 1000 
		updated_acc = results.acc + 1

		average_time = 
		cond do 
			results.acc == total_warm_up_cycles -> new_time
			results.acc > total_warm_up_cycles -> Enum.sum(results.time) / (updated_acc - (total_warm_up_cycles + 1))
			results.acc < total_warm_up_cycles -> []

		results = 
		if results.acc >= total_warm_up_cycles do
			Enum.map(results, fn _map ->
					time: List.insert_at(results.time, 0, new_time),
					acc: updated_acc,
					average_time: average_time
			|> List.first
			Enum.map(results, fn _map ->
					time: [],
					acc: updated_acc,
					average_time: 0
			|> List.first

		cond do 
			results.acc < (total_warm_up_cycles + 1) -> IO.puts("Warming up . . . Trial number #{results.acc} of #{number_of_trials}.")	
			run(module_function, results, number_of_trials, total_warm_up_cycles)

			results.acc == (total_warm_up_cycles + 1) -> IO.puts("Average execution time after #{results.acc} trials of #{number_of_trials}: #{Float.floor(results.average_time, 3)} seconds.")
			run(module_function, results, number_of_trials, total_warm_up_cycles)

			results.acc < number_of_trials -> IO.puts("Average execution time after #{results.acc} trials of #{number_of_trials}: #{Float.floor(results.average_time, 3)} seconds.")
			run(module_function, results, number_of_trials, total_warm_up_cycles)

			results.acc == number_of_trials -> IO.puts("Final trial - Average execution time: #{Float.floor(results.average_time, 3)} seconds.")

This is designed to accept the following command:
iex(1)> Benchmark.run([20, 5])

Which would then output:

Warming up . . . initiating first trial of 20.
Warming up . . . Trial number 2 of 20.
Warming up . . . Trial number 3 of 20.
Warming up . . . Trial number 4 of 20.
Warming up . . . Trial number 5 of 20.
Average execution time after 6 trials of 20: 0.754 seconds.
Average execution time after 7 trials of 20: 0.754 seconds.
Average execution time after 8 trials of 20: 0.549 seconds.
Average execution time after 9 trials of 20: 0.48 seconds.
Average execution time after 10 trials of 20: 0.448 seconds.
Average execution time after 11 trials of 20: 0.496 seconds.
Average execution time after 12 trials of 20: 0.471 seconds.
Average execution time after 13 trials of 20: 0.499 seconds.
Average execution time after 14 trials of 20: 0.485 seconds.
Average execution time after 15 trials of 20: 0.47 seconds.
Average execution time after 16 trials of 20: 0.457 seconds.
Average execution time after 17 trials of 20: 0.447 seconds.
Average execution time after 18 trials of 20: 0.438 seconds.
Average execution time after 19 trials of 20: 0.431 seconds.
Final trial - Average execution time: 0.427 seconds.

When attempting to compile this module, however, it triggers the following error:

== Compilation error in file lib/Benchmark.ex ==
** (CompileError) lib/Benchmark.ex:24: undefined function totaL_warm_up_cycles/0

It looks like total_warm_up_cycles = Enum.at(params, 1) is being ignored? If so, why and how is this resolved?

Ideally I’d love to get this to run with something like iex(2)> Benchmark.run([MODULE.FUNCTION, 20, 5]) which would make this more dynamic since the particular module function to be benchmarked wouldn’t have to be hardcoded. After spending dozens of hours searching far and wide, though, I can’t find any resources that cover how exactly this is done. Is this even possible?

Thanks for all your help and opinions! :slight_smile:

totaL_warm_up_cycles has a big L, it’s a typo.


There is an uppercase L in the usage of the variable, but not in it’s definition


You put a capital L in the second totaL_warm_up_cycles.


Wow . . . it’s always the little things, lol :slight_smile:

Thanks guys!

Any thoughts on getting something like iex(2)> Benchmark.run([MODULE.FUNCTION, 20, 5]) to work? Is this even possible?

As for this part, have you tried for example Benchmark.run(&Module.function/n, 20, 5) (substituting module, function, and n for the respective module, function, and arity)? Then you could call the function with function.(args) (note the period).

EDIT: For more information about function capturing, see: https://elixir-lang.org/getting-started/modules-and-functions.html#function-capturing


Thanks for your suggestion! :slight_smile:

Here’s what my attempt garnered:

iex(6)> Benchmark.run(&Foo.feed/0, 20, 5) 
** (ArgumentError) you attempted to apply :acc on &Foo.feed/0. If you are using apply/3, make sure the module is an atom. If you are using the dot syntax, such as map.field or module.function, make sure the left side of the dot is an atom or a map

What did I miss?

Well you would need to change the rest of your function code to match… :slight_smile: In my suggestion the first parameter would be the function to run, so you’d need to use another place for the results. Or put the function in another parameter.

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Got it, thanks so much! :slight_smile: