Complex HTML List Comprehension Table

I’m trying to dynamically show a table that looks like:

The table doesn’t format in the way I would expect when trying to show the additional row if there is more than 1 speaker under the details header. I tried adding another table within the <tr> like this:

  <%= for meeting <- @meetings.results do %>
      <td><%= %></td>
    <table> # nested table
      <%= for speaker <- meeting.speakers do %>
          <h4><%= %></h4>
          <p><%= speaker.title %></p>
      <% end %>
    </table> # end nested table

      <td><%= link "Attendees", to: meeting_path(@conn, :show, meeting) %></td>
  <% end %>

How would I accomplish this or is there another way I should show the data?

You might use colspan/rowspan attributes on td.

Must have confused myself somewhere along the way, but here is the solution:

  <%= for meeting <- @meetings.results do %>

      <td><%= %></td> 
      <%= for speaker <- meeting.speakers do %>
          <h4><%= %></h4>
          <p><%= speaker.title %></p>
      <% end %>

      <td><%= link "Attendees", to: meeting_path(@conn, :show, meeting) %></td>

  <% end %>