Complex resolves in absinthe types

Let’s say I have a User schema. Users have followers that are other Users (linked through a many_to_many in the schema), and they also can see a list of Newsfeeditems, that are associated through a query too complicated to be easily represented in the schema.

I want to craft a graphql query that gives me a User’s data, including his followers, and associated newsfeeditems. Without the newsfeeditems, this is easy:

  object :user do
    field :id, :integer
    field :handle, :string
    field :email, :string
    field :followers, list_of(:user), resolve: assoc(:followed)

Very easy query and resolver. No idea what to do for the newsfeeditems though. Ideally, I would like to do something like this:

  object :user do
    # add this to the bottom V
    field :newsfeeditems, list_of(:newsfeeditem), resolve: &NewsfeedResolver.findNewsfeedByUserId/2

The function being called takes an argument (the user :id) and looks like this:

  def findNewsfeedByUserId( %{user_id: user_id}, _info) do
    query =
      from f in Follow,
        where: f.following_id == ^user_id,
        join: n in Newsfeeditem,
        on: n.user1_id == f.followed_id,
        select: n

    case Repo.all(query) do
      nil -> {:error, "No profile items found"}
      profileitems -> {:ok, profileitems}

However when I make a query from graphiql, I get this:

** (exit) an exception was raised:
    ** (FunctionClauseError) no function clause matching in MyApp.NewsfeedResolver.findNewsfeedByUserId/2

That said, I am trying to figure out which of the three following solutions is best:

  1. Somehow implement the association above.

  2. Create a wrapper type and somehow do each of these queries.

  object :user_and_newsfeed do
    field :user, :user
    field :newsfeeditems, list_of(:newsfeeditem)

(If I do this, would my query in schema.ex need to have two resolve arguments somehow? One for user and one for newsfeeditems?)


  1. Make two separate queries. Ugh, please not this.


Update: it turns out that you can just make multiple requests within one graphql query, which does exactly what I want.

query {
    user(id: 1) {
    newsfeeditemsbyuser(userId: 1) {

Still want to know if there is a way to implement #1 or #2.

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