Configuring a Single Flame Runner Across Multiple Deployment Instances

Hello all,

I’ve configured the following setup in application.ex :

       name: Nexus.HTMLToPDFRunner,
       min: 1,
       max: 10,
       max_concurrency: 5,
       idle_shutdown_after: 10_000,
       log: :debug}

But, my application is deployed across multiple instances (fly scale count 3). As a result, I end up with 3 instances of the flame runner instead of the single one I intended to have.

Does anyone have insights on how to configure this so that I only get one flame runner, regardless of the number of deployed instances?

Hey @vladnec, I don’t have an answer to your question, but I think some more information might be useful.

Specifically, are your multiple instances clustered or do they just share a DB? Without clustering, I’m not sure how Flame on one instance would know that another instance has a runner.

hei @NduatiK,

my instances are clustered - this is part of my application.ex configuration

def start(_type, _args) do
    flame_parent = FLAME.Parent.get()
     children =  children_process_list(flame_parent != nil)
     opts = [strategy: :one_for_one, name: Nexus.Supervisor]
     Supervisor.start_link(children, opts)
def children_process_list(false) do
      # setup for clustering
      {DNSCluster, query: Application.get_env(:nexus, :dns_cluster_query) || :ignore},

def children_process_list(true) do
      # DNS Cluster is not configured here, when the runner is a flame runner.

Hey, I had some time to read some of the FLAME code, and it looks like Flame.Pool only considers the min value on a single node when starting up.

I have asked the same question on the fly forum and they mentioned that it is made by design like that (to have multiple Flame runners for each node )

So, are you sure about it?
I mean, i was able to prove that for each node i spawn, i get a new flame runner.

You can totally do this. You can have a global singleton which is your FLAME pool. For example, using :pogo:

  1. Remove FLAME.Pool from your application children.

  2. Add Pogo supervisor to your application children (check the pogo docs). Let’s say you called it MyApp.DistributedSueprvisor

  3. Start your global singleton FLAME pool supervisor like this:

          name: MyApp.FlamePool,
          min: 20,
          max: 30,
          max_concurrency: 10,
          idle_shutdown_after: 2 * 60 * 60 * 1_000,
          min_idle_shutdown_after: 2 * 60 * 60 * 1_000,
          timeout: 5_000

Pogo will ensure unique children IDs. Flame will set the ID to be some kind of tuple like {FLAME.Pool, MyApp.FlamePool} (it uses the name opt). So if you are using the pogo supervisor which_children function, watch out for that.

Do not copy my Flame config! Decide your own values. This is just a concept BTW. I am not recommending you use a single flame supervisor on just one node. It seems at odds with the spirit of FLAME.

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I agree with you, I meant that the code shows that for each instance the number of min workers is managed locally, without considering whether workers exist on other instances.