Consideration: would it be worth it to expand lv:clear-flash to handle more than one key?

I’m currently using two separate flash keys to display dynamic message content in a flash message (one key for part of the flash message and another key for the “body”).

I noticed that it works doing it that way, but then I have to either remove the phx-value-key in order to clear all the flash messages using the lv:clear-flash. This then removes other flash messages that may be present but perhaps I don’t want them to also be cleared.

(apologies I’m very tired and writing this before crashing)

So, I noticed this in channel.ex:

defp view_handle_event(%Socket{} = socket, "lv:clear-flash", val) do
  case val do
    %{"key" => key} -> {:noreply, Utils.clear_flash(socket, key)}
    _ -> {:noreply, Utils.clear_flash(socket)}

So, would it be worthwhile to handle a list of keys in, say, the Utils.clear_flash/2?

def clear_flash(%Socket{} = socket, key) do
  key = flash_key(key)
  new_flash = Map.delete(socket.assigns.flash, key)

  socket = assign(socket, :flash, new_flash)
  update_in(socket.private.__changed__[:flash], &Map.delete(&1 || %{}, key))

# Add this function to handle keys map (%{"key" => "info", "key2" => "info-body"})
def clear_flash(%Socket{} = socket, keys) do
  keys = Enum.into(keys, [], fn {_key, val}-> flash_key(val) end)
  new_flash = Map.drop(socket.assigns.flash, key) end)

  socket = assign(socket, :flash, new_flash)
  update_in(socket.private.__changed__[:flash], &Map.delete(&1 || %{}, key))

And be passing in the key map in channel.ex:

# Update to pass the keys map (%{"key" => "info, "key2" => "info-body"})
defp view_handle_event(%Socket{} = socket, "lv:clear-flash", val) do
  case val do
    %{"key" => key} -> {:noreply, Utils.clear_flash(socket, key)
    keys -> {:noreply, Utils.clear_flash(socket, keys)}

Anyway, what do people think about being able to handle multiple keys in the lv:clear-flash? There’s probably a better way. :blush: