Converting to Roman Numerals exercise; need help understanding code

I have a hard time following the code at defp numeral function. Is this well written Elixir code or is it better to use pipes?

defmodule Roman do
  @numerals [M: 1000, CM: 900, D: 500, CD: 400, C: 100, XC: 90, L: 50, XL: 40, X: 10, IX: 9, V: 5, IV: 4, I: 1]

  @doc """
  Convert the number to a roman number.
  @spec numerals(pos_integer) :: String.t()
  def numerals(number) do
    numeral([], number, @numerals)

  defp numeral(curr_nums, number, [{letter, digit}|_t] = num_list) when number >= digit do
    numeral([letter | curr_nums], number - digit, num_list)

  defp numeral(curr_nums, number, [_h|t]) do
    numeral(curr_nums, number, t)

  defp numeral(numerals, _n, []) do
      |> Enum.reverse
      |> Enum.map_join("", &to_string/1)

What are some suggestions for re-writing this in a better way? It’s my old code but I no longer understand what is happening.

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I think its fine except the variable naming makes it a bit hard to see what’s happening. And the odd comment helps. Personally I think a recursive function like this is a good fit for the problem. Perhaps like this:

defmodule Roman do
  @roman_to_decimal_mappings [M: 1000, CM: 900, D: 500, CD: 400, C: 100, XC: 90, L: 50, XL: 40, X: 10, IX: 9, V: 5, IV: 4, I: 1]

  @doc """
  Convert the number to a roman number.
  @spec numerals(pos_integer) :: String.t()
  def numerals(number) do
    numeral([], number, @roman_to_decimal_mappings)

  # While the number is >= the decimal value at the head of the mappings,
  # accumulate the Roman numeral and decrement the number
  defp numeral(roman_acc, number, [{roman_numeral, decimal_value}| _t] = roman_to_decimal_mappings) 
      when number >= decimal_value do
    numeral([roman_numeral | roman_acc], number - decimal_value, roman_to_decimal_mappings)

  # When the number is less than the decimal value at the head of the
  # mapping list, move to the next mapping pair
  defp numeral(roman_acc, number, [_h | remaining_mappings]) do
    numeral(roman_acc, number, remaining_mappings)

  # And when the mapping list is exhausted, reverse the accumulated
  # Roman numerals and join then
  defp numeral(roman_acc, _n, [] = _remaining_mappings) do
      |> Enum.reverse
      |> Enum.map_join("", &to_string/1)

I’m not certain how readable this is for others, but it’s how I worked through the problem early in my Elixir adventures, and I can still explain the approach 6 years later.

I iterate over the mappings and use Enum.reduce with a 2-tuple to keep track of the remainder of the number (after dividing out each Roman value) plus the accumulated Roman numeral string.