COPY FROM STDIN through Repo

I’m found example of COPY FROM STDIN in postgrex.ex on github:

Postgrex.transaction(pid, fn(conn) ->
  query = Postgrex.prepare!(conn, "", "COPY posts FROM STDIN",[copy_data:true])
  stream =, query, [])
  Enum.into(!("posts"), stream)

How I can convert these example to work with through Repo?

Repo.transaction fn ->
  query = "some query"
  Ecto.Adapters.SQL.query!(Repo, query, [])
  #copy from stdin, how??

The only way I know is a bit ghetto on account of its direct access of the pdict, but that’s the easiest way I know. Happy to improve it if someone can suggest a better way.

  def load(stream, columns) do
    statement = """
    COPY readings (#{Enum.join(columns, ", ")})
    WITH (FORMAT csv, HEADER false)
    Repo.transaction(fn ->
      conn = get_conn(Repo)
      query = Postgrex.prepare!(conn, "", statement, [copy_data: true])

      |> Stream.chunk(2000, 2000, [])
      |> Stream.into(, query, []))
    end, timeout: 3_600_000)


  defp get_conn(repo) do
    {pool, _} = repo.__pool__
    Process.get({Ecto.Adapters.SQL, pool})
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It is possible to run a COPY FROM STDIN using Ecto.Adapters.SQL.query!/4 but can’t use a collectable/stream:

Ecto.Adapters.SQL.query!(Repo, "COPY posts FROM STDIN", [data_as_(final)_parameter], [copy_data: true])

From Ecto 2.1 the above no longer works. Instead must use built in streams:

    stream =, "COPY posts FROM STDIN")
    TestRepo.transaction(fn -> Enum.into(data_enum, stream) end)

I’m trying to use COPY to bulk insert data (insert_all has a limit of the amount of columns you can insert), the following doesn’t work:

stream =, "COPY post(title, foobar) FROM STDIN")
Repo.transaction(fn -> Enum.into(data, stream) end)

Which results in:
#ERROR 22P04 (bad_copy_file_format): missing data for column "foobar"

Am I doing something obviously wrong?

I’m an idiot, it’s suppose to be like

I am running similar code and I noticed that when I set logging to :debug and not disable the logging on the stream that I do get exactly one log statement per line (edit: it seems I actually do get N + 2 lines per row) I copy into the table. Is this “normal” or may that be something that could slow down copying process (even when all logging is disabled)?

Here is the code I tested it with:

    out_stream =, "copy numbers from stdin with csv")

    repo.transaction(fn ->
      repo.query!("truncate numbers")

      |> i -> [i] end)
      |> CSV.encode()
      |> Enum.into(out_stream)

and I get this log output:

[debug] QUERY OK db=0.3ms idle=9457.8ms
begin []
[debug] QUERY OK db=0.5ms
truncate numbers []
[debug] QUERY OK db=0.1ms
copy numbers from stdin with csv []
[debug] QUERY OK db=0.0ms
copy numbers from stdin with csv []
[debug] QUERY OK db=0.0ms
copy numbers from stdin with csv []
[debug] QUERY OK db=0.0ms
copy numbers from stdin with csv []
[debug] QUERY OK db=0.0ms
copy numbers from stdin with csv []
[debug] QUERY OK db=0.0ms
copy numbers from stdin with csv []
[debug] QUERY OK db=0.0ms
copy numbers from stdin with csv []
[debug] QUERY OK db=0.0ms
copy numbers from stdin with csv []
[debug] QUERY OK db=0.0ms
copy numbers from stdin with csv []
[debug] QUERY OK db=0.0ms
copy numbers from stdin with csv []
[debug] QUERY OK db=0.0ms
copy numbers from stdin with csv []
[debug] QUERY OK db=40.2ms
copy numbers from stdin with csv []
[debug] QUERY OK db=4.0ms
commit []
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I was wondering exactly the same, I would expect to have only one log since we are doing only one COPY statement and just feeding the STDIN. @tobstarr did you find an answer to you question ?

This a issue for me, because when the logger is in debug mode, for a big load of data, ~500000 row, the same amount of logs is generated slowing down everything.