(Elixir 1.10.2)
I just published a package, and figured a typo in the docs, so I wanted to publish it again. I know there is a one hour limit but I tried to replace the package within minutes, so it should have worked. Here is the result:
Publishing package to public repository hexpm.
Proceed? [Yn]
Building docs...
Docs successfully generated.
View them at "doc/index.html".
Local password:
Publishing package...
[#########################] 100%
Publishing failed
Validation error(s)
inserted_at: can only modify a release up to one hour after creation and must include the --replace option
$ mix hex.publish --replace
** (Mix) Could not invoke task "hex.publish": 1 error found!
--replace : Unknown option
What should I do then ? Is it something related to the clock of my computer?
Also the mix help hex.publish
help seem to tell me that there is no --replace
To update the package simply run the mix hex.publish task again. To revert run
mix hex.publish --revert VERSION or to only revert the documentaiton run mix
hex.publish docs --revert VERSION.
Edit: I was able to update my package anyway, reverting it before. But the docs are unclear here.